Take a Break #8: Special Zodiac Signs Edition Part 2


Hi SplinterReaders, I'm here for the second part of the Special Zodiac look-alike Signs edition, the general sale finally started, so while we are waiting for the airdrops it's time to spend your time reading about Zodiac signs!

If you missed the first part here there's the link: https://www.splintertalk.io/@magalli/take-a-break-7-special-zodiac-signs-edition-part-1

Let's start to choose the remaing six signs!

7 )Cancer. To be honest, this is the worst look-alike sign, I chose the "Cruel Sethropod" even if it is not really a crab, but you know, life is not always fair, I'm sorry my friends.


Grade of Similarity: 5/10 More than a Cancer it is a Lobster, and that disturbs me.


If you were born between the 22nd of June and 23rd of July, I'm sorry, we should start a petition for a Crab card on Splinterlands

8 )Leo. This was an easy choice, the "Frost Lion" is the only Lion on Splinterlands, I know, another Water-type card, but it happens.


Grade of Similarity:9/10 It is frosted, but it's a Lion, fresh choice.


Lucky you if you were born between the 24th of July and 23rd of August, you have one of the fiercest miniatures in the Splinterlands' Zodiac

9 )Virgo. I chose one of the most innocent and "pure" Splinterlands' summoners to represent the Virgo: "Kiara Lightbringer", personally I really like this artwork even if she apparently has no nose.


Grade of Similarity: 7,5/10 Nice Virgo choice, in my opinion, lots of rainbows.


A smiley rainbow miniature if you were born between the 24th of August and the 22nd of September

10 )Libra. Obviously in Splinterlands there doesn't exist a Libra card, it would probably not be really credible as a Summoner or as a Monster, so I choose the "Angel of Light" because it reminds me of a Bringer of Justice and because Libra is my girlfriend's Zodiac sign so I couldn't choose something "not cute".


Grade of Similarity:8/10 Even if it is not a real Libra I think the Angel of Light represents the meaning of a Libra very well.


Probably the most beautiful miniature from an amazing artwork for those who were born between the 23rd of September and the 22nd of October

11 )Scorpio. Now we are talking about the coolest sign of all the Zodiac, obviously not because I was born on the 1st of November but because Scorpions are wonderful creatures, lethal and majestic, luckily there is the "Giant Scorpion" in Splinterlands' cards, not the best card ever but the best Zodiac sign, for sure, so far.


Grade of Similarity:10/10 I mean, it is a Scorpion and it is a giant one, what else should we ask for?


Nice miniature for cool people like me who were born between the 23rd of October and the 22nd of November

12 )Sagittarius.The Sagittarius is basically a centaur with a bow, and we have the card "Centaur" which represents a centaur while he is shooting with a bow, I think it is an obvious choice.


Grade of Similarity:9,5/10* Why not 10 out 10? Because he is wearing his underwear on the wrong legs... I mean, the bottom part is the horse one...


Fierce miniature wearing fierce underwear for those who were born between the 23rd of November and the 21st of December

So this is the end of Zodiac Splinterland's signs Part 2, I hope you like it, I think it could be fun to write an inspired horoscope for every sign, maybe once per month, so I could predict your luck for the future in the game.

Let me know what you think about it!

Best Regards,

P.S. my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=magalli

P.P.S. A special thanks to @monstercrusher for whitelisting me.

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