Who's Who In The Zoo - EP.5 - With Flauwy


Flauwy: I made an apprenticeship as an editor for Germany’s largest gaming editorial company back in 2007. There I joined a new project for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Play Games like World of Warcraft, where I learned to write articles for both print and online, as well as managing the community. We had ten-thousands of daily visitors due to our unique WoW-database, as well as our news and tutorial platform, for which I helped to record weekly podcast and video shows. I also interviewed German celebrities for our magazine and went to game conferences to meet game developers and report about upcoming games. It was an amazing experience!

Platypus: That sounds epic, I bet you had a blast!

Flauwy: After I left, I started my own website about memory techniques and memory sports in 2009, a hobby of mine for years, for which I learned to use ‘Wordpress’ and write HTML and CSS, as well as web design with Photoshop. While still continuing to do that privately, I became a project manager for a gaming news website in 2010, coordinating commissioned game reviews, organizing contests and networking with the game producers for free test games and give-aways. From 2013 to 2016 I hosted multiple international memory competitions, like the US Memory Open, and developed my own competition idea, the Memo Games, an entirely digital competition that was more exciting than the traditional pen & paper events.
