[ENG] | [ESP] How i turned 1 card into 62 Chaos Legion Packs for opening


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Todo empezo con esta carta llamada Wave Brood. La carta llegó a alcanzar el precio de 400$, al darme cuenta de esto decidi vender mi carta que tenia guardada, logre venderla por un precio de 115$ en cuestion de minutos
It all started with this card called Wave Brood. The card reached the price of $400, after noticing this I decided to sell my card that I had saved, I managed to sell it for a price of $115 in a matter of minutes


Cuando yo colocaba un precio otra persona lo bajaba mas y así fue la batalla hasta que finalmente se vendió por 115$, lo cual me hace muy feliz porque ya al dia de hoy esta carta esta en el mercado por apenas 24$
When I placed a price another person lowered it more and that's how the battle went until finally the card was sold for $115, which makes me very happy because today this card is on the market for just $24


obtuve una ganancia de casi 5x por aprovechar el mercado en el momento preciso. Con el dinero obtenido decidí probrar mi suerte y ir en grande esta vez!! compré 62 paquetes de Chaos Legion en hive engine y me apresuré a abrirlos.
I made almost 5x profit by tapping into the market at the right time. With the money obtained I decided to test my luck and go big this time!! I bought 62 Chaos Legion packs on the hive engine and hurriedly opened them.

Sin título.jpg

Puedes ver la apertura de los 62 paquetes en el video, igualmente acá te dejaré lo destacado
You can see the opening of the 62 packages in the video, also here I leave the most outstanding.
Cartas de oro obtenidas:
Gold cards obtained:


Legendarias obtenidas

Esta legendaria de agua es muy util.

Legendary Obtained

This water legendary is very useful.


Invocadores obtenidos
Summoners obtained


Uno de los aspectos economicos muy importante de este juego es el mercado, siempre debemos estar pendiente de ello, muchas oportunidades se abren a diario y si las aprovechas puedes salir ganando!

Como en mi caso, que pude haber vendido la carta y comprarla luego a menor precio y quedarme con la ganancia. Pero estoy apostando por el largo plazo así que decidí abrir paquetes y a mi parecer obtuve muy buenas cartas que en el largo plazo se van a valorizar muchísimo.

One of the very important economic aspects of this game is the market, we must always be aware of it, many opportunities open up daily and if you take advantage of them you can win!

As in my case, I could have sold the card and bought it later at a lower price and kept the profit. But I'm betting on the long term so I decided to open packages and in my opinion I got very good cards that in the long term are going to be greatly valued.

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finally the card was sold for $115, which makes me very happy because today this card is on the market for just $24

That is huge luck. At least for you. Probably not so much for the buyer. Except if it will go higher in the future. I currently have 363 Splinterlands cards. My total Splinterlands card collection is currently worth $151.84 USD.


yeah indeed it is a good luck , today the card is worth only 24$ , the result from the 62 packs ended up in 105$ , i putted those for rent that way i make a passive income too, indeed a good flipping


Hummm... Un día de estos voy a tener que meterme en eso de los juegos NFT... Luce apasionante... Buen post amigo @malos10!

Hummm... One of these days I'm going to have to get into NFT games... Looks exciting... Good post my friend @malos10!

!discovery 20
