🙅🙅Playing some random battling on splinterlands gaming 🤑🤑

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Hello my splinter family

Good evening friends, how are you all? I hope everyone is very well and healthy. This is just the end of the season after 22 hours and before the end of this season, I played a very beautiful battle.

I lost the first battle and then I won two battles in a row. I never imagined that I would be able to win these battles in such a beautiful way but still a lot of beautiful games have been played.

The one who was my opposition player was very good at cutting. At one point I got lost but at the last moment my first battery woke up and then two more patels in a row. I want to go very easily.

If you watch the whole video you will definitely like it so that you do not have any difficulty in watching it. I am not making the video so big from now on because I have seen that if I make the video bigger then there is no view in my video because who will watch the video. .

After seeing today's battle, you must tell me how you like it. I think it will be good.

Of course you will watch the video and if you like the videos that were really good then you must like the video and let me know how my card selection was. Everyone will be fine and healthy.

Thanks everyone for visiting my account and you can find me on some more platforms


I am Mamun, Bangladeshi. However, due to work, I am currently living in Malaysia as an expatriate. I express my feelings through writing and share my experiences through videos. But I love to sing, so I sing in my spare time. Love to be friends Love and try to enjoy life.

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And if you check my Starmaker I would be free to join my collage .....

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