Splinterlands | HALFLING REFUGEE is an Overlord NFT card


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What’s up my fellow Splinterlands players!

I hope all of you are doing well and also spending an awesome day with your loved ones. If you are a splinterlands player, then you must be busy right now grinding into the game and boosting your trophy rating, because not much time has left for us. Yes, players, only 20 hours remain for this ranked season to meet its end and that's all we have left to reach our goals in this season - so whether you are aiming to reach a certain league or tier or secure a place in the champion leaderboard, you should hurry as time is flying faster in the world of splinterlands.


Now talking about my own progress, I am very glad to share that I have finally reached my Goal league Champion and currently playing at Champion III tier with a current trophy rating of 3,320. I reached the Champion League just today after playing for a while and really happy right now because in the last couple of seasons, I failed to reach my goal and ended up playing only at the Diamond I tier. Anyway, now having another almost 1 day left in hand, I will continue my playing and earn some more SPS before the reset takes place, but I also have to stay cautious so that I don't start losing again and lose my place and get demoted back to Diamond league again.

Now moving forward, let me now come to the main topic of this post as today, I will be talking about another amazing Reward card that just got launched and introduced in the game. As you have already seen in the thumbnail above, today I will be talking about HALFLING REFUGEE, so without any further ado, let us jump right in.


Halfling Refugee

HALFLING REFUGEE is a monster type NFT card that was introduced in the game just recently with the launch of the newest edition Rebellion reward card set. This card belongs to the Neutral element, so you can use this card while choosing any element if allowed by the match rulesets. It costs only 1 mana to be used in battles, so you can easily fit this card while playing even the smallest mana limit matches. This is an epic type card that needs a total of 46 NCXs of cards to be upgraded to max level and its attack type is melee. Let us now take a further look into its stats and abilities league wise below.



At level 2, this card receives 3 melee attack at 3 speed with 6 health and it also gets the Weary ability since the initial level of this card. This is a brand new ability that got introduced in the game and with this ability, at the beginning of round 1, the monster will have a 10% chance to become exhausted and this chance will increase by 10% every next round with a max of 80%. Exhausted units will skip their turn and will not even retaliate. So, though this monster gets immense stats when compared to its mana cost, it can be tricky to use it as it may skip one or multiple attacks.


When it gets upgraded to level 3, this monster possesses the same 3 melee attack at 3 speed with 6 health but it does get a new ability called Heal. With this ability, this monster can now heal back a portion of its damaged health each round.


As this monster reaches level 5, it gets an increased stats of 4 melee attack at 3 speed with 8 health along with those 2 abilities that I mentioned above.


Finally, when you upgrade this monster to its max level 6, it gets an even more increased 5 melee attack at 3 speed with 8 health and also those 2 abilities but it does not get any new ability even at its max level.




This time I got the smallest 12 mana limit match with 4 elements allowed - Fire, Earth, Life and Death and there were also 3 rulesets applied to this match - Opportunity, True Strike and Melee only. After looking at all these rules, I realized that this would be an ideal match to use my Refugee. So I started thinking of a good strategy and then began building my lineup. First of all, I chose the Fire summoner Tarsa and at the first defense position of my lineup, I chose the Antoid Platoon followed by Venator Kinjo, Halfling Refugee, Radiated Scorcher and Scorch Fiend at the end position. When both the lineups got revealed, I found out that my opponent had used the Life summoner General Sloan and at his front position, he chose the Gargoya Scrapper followed by Soul Fiend and Jared Scar at the end position.


As the battle started, my Scorcher launched the first attack and with just 1 blow, it killed down the enemy Soul Fiend. Then my Scorch Fiend landed its attack and easily killed down the Gargoya, followed by my Refugee who luckily didn't get Exhausted and attacked the enemy Jared and took away its armor. Anyway, the battle didn't last long, as both my Venator and Antoid attacked back to back next and killed down the last monster Jared Scar and thus, I won the match within the first round.

As you can see, the Refugee is an overpowered monster and even in long ongoing matches, if it attacks a couple of times throughout the whole match your chance of winning will only increase. This monster will be a popular choice, especially in low mana limit matches pretty soon I think so it's wise to get your hands on this particular monster as soon as possible.

I hope you loved watching the battle and also liked reading my post about it. Have you used this monster in any battle yet? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post players, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


In some ruleset looks like an almost OP card! 1 mana for those stats and heal is huge, even with the debilitation.


Using a lot of cards with low Mana was the right choice, leaving Jared Scar as the remaining one and having to deal with Antoid Platoon who had SHIELD. He couldn't utilize his PIERCING ability because his attack only dealt half damage.


Thanks for the post !, looking forward to when I can get mine to the level where it has Heal


Impressive report
Thank you for sharing this informative article
