Splinterlands | Zyvax Vuul is an underdog card in chaos

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What’s up Splinterlands players!

I hope all of you have spent the last weekend with your friends and family and also playing and enjoying this amazing game of splinterlands. As a dedicated player, I join the battlefield on a daily basis and play all the different formats available in this game - Ranked, Tournaments and Brawls and not only do I enjoy playing against other great players in this game but also earn a decent income thanks to the play2 earn mechanism of this game. I hope you all are doing the same too and looking at the ranked season clock, we only have around 7 days left before this season ends. So, I guess you are acting serious on your season ranked goals in this game because there’s not much time left. For me, I am playing in the highest Champ I tier right now and trying my best to reach the top 10 places in lb. But I am facing the most fierce players in this game while Competing in the highest league and this is causing me to lose even more at this point. To boost my performance I have also rented some max-level chaos and rebellion cards recently and also rented a lot of SPS which just got expired today. Both of them were helping me well so I am considering to rent some Cards again during the season end if they are available. However, as the top 10 place is pretty far from my reach even when there’s still a week left, I don’t think I can reach there but still will keep fighting if I can at least reach the top 25 this time.


Moving forward, I hope you guys know that the second airdrop of rebellion edition cards just got unlocked and distributed a couple of days ago and I guess that by now, all of you who were participating in the airdrop conflict event have claimed your chances to get those airdrop cards. To be honest, I am really liking this new airdrop mechanism simply because not only those who buy a bulk of packs are getting Chances to receive airdrop but those as well who hold those packs and cards to themselves for a time period. For me, I bought a good number of max rebellion cards from the market and also have staked them all into wagons to earn me chances for airdrop. Gladly, for my contribution in this second airdrop, in total I received a little over 750 chances but luckily I have got 4 airdrop cards this time. I have already re-staked all 4 cards back into my wagons and thinking to buy the rest BCXs in the future to upgrade my card to the maximum level.

Now, let me Come to the main theme of this post as today, I will be showcasing an amazing card from Chaos Legion edition which I believe is under-appreciated but worked great under certain conditions and is worth of having a place in your card collection. Yeah friends, as you have already seen in my thumbnail, today I will be talking about the Zyvax Vuul.


Zyvax Vuul is a card that you won't see much on the battlefield because if its not so normal stats and ability combo, but under special requirements this card can outperform many of your favorite cards, just like the one that I shared in my battle below. This monster belongs to the Dragon element and it costs a whopping 8 mana to be used in battles. Its attack type is Ranged and the main advantage of this monster is its ability combo that comes with 4 abilities - Flying, Close Range, Deathblow and Recharge and as you can see, this monster is a dagger to kill down the Titans but not so effective against small or medium Monsters. Let us now take a further look into this monster league wise.



At level 1, this monster possesses 2 ranged attack at 3 speed with 8 health and also gets the Flying and Recharge ability and it gets from its initial level and becomes powerful even in Bronze league. With the Recharge ability, he will attack every alternative round but will attack with 3x damage of its attack power.


When you upgrade this monster to the next level 2, it gets and upgraded stats of 2 ranged attack at 3 speed with 9 health and also gets another ability close range with which, it can now attack from the first position inspite of being a ranged attack monster.


When this monster gets upgraded further to level 3, it gets 3 ranged attack at 3 speed with 9 health along with those 3 abilities that I mentioned above. Please note that The increased ranged attack power here will be increased by 3x and will do a 9 attack to the enemy targeted card, which clearly shows how much strong an attacker this card really is.


When you finally upgrade this card to level 4, it possesses the same stats as of its previous level, 3 ranged attack at 3 speed with 9 health but it does get a new ability - Deathblow with which, it will now deal 2x Damage to an enemy card if it is the last alive monster on the opponent’s lineup. So, this monster can show some real Magic in 1v1 monster matches.



I normally do not use this monster often in my battles but I found a match yesterday where I wanted to fit this monster in my lineup and try its potential after a long time and surprisingly, it brought me a good win and proved its worth once again. It was a large 46 mana limit match that I got this time and there were 4 elements available in this match - Fire, Life, Earth and Dragon and also, there were 3 rulesets applied in this match as follows..

Taking Side - Only Neutral

Counterspell - magic reflect ability

Earthquake - Non flying receive 2 damage


Battle Link

As it was a large mana limit match with the earthquake rule, I decided to include at least one or two monsters with flying ability so that they stay alive if the match goes on for long. I also thought to depend on the melee and Ranged attack monster because of the Magic Reflect rule and managed my lineup accordingly. I chose the Dragon summoner Lilly Shieldpaw and at my front, I selected the Inevitable followed by Vruz, Oshuur Constantia, Zyvax Vuul, Adelade Brightwing and Meriput Magician at the end position. As both the lineups got revealed, I found out my opponent went with all Life cards and his attack is mostly depended on ranged attacks.


Anyway, as the match started, the enemy monsters almost killed my Inevitable and I somehow saved it by healing and repairing its armour. But in the second round, My Vuul attacked the enemy Bera Dallin and broke its armour down and in 4th round it almost killed Down the Bera and left it with only 1 health. At round 5, my Vruz died and gave Inevitable and Constantia extra stats and my Inevitable also killed the enemy Adelade with its Magic Reflect. Finally, in round 6, my Vuul made its first kill by taking down the War Pegasus and finally by killing the last enemy card Pelacor Arbalest I won the match in 7th round.

I hope you watched and enjoyed the match that I shared above and also liked reading my post. Do you also love and use this monster? Let me know in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


How are you doing?
I find your article interesting.
My experience of battle is improving daily, even though I find it difficult to make progress in Diamond League.
Tournaments are super exciting during this period, I hope to face your team on the battlefield.
Have you read about the introduction of Glint?
Have a great season
