Ability Explaination: Cleanse #10




Cleanse is a unique ability that removes all negative effects on the Monster in the first position on the friendly team.


  • When a monster with Cleanse attacks and hits an enemy monster, there's a 50% chance to remove all negative status effects from the target.
  • This includes all debuffs like Poison, Stun, Blind, Silence, Affliction, and more.
  • Cleared monsters regain their full potential, potentially turning the tide of battle.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Counteracting debuff-heavy decks: Utilize Cleanse against decks that rely heavily on applying status effects. You can disrupt their strategies by removing debuffs from your key monsters and maintaining momentum.
  • Protecting high-value targets: Prioritize targeting enemy monsters with Cleanse to remove debilitating effects from your own high-value attackers or tanks, maximizing their effectiveness.
  • Combo potential: Combine Cleanse with other abilities like Opportunity or Sneak to surprise enemy debuffed monsters, remove their negative effects, and potentially eliminate them in a single round.
  • Summoner synergy: Certain Summoners grant Cleanse to all friendly monsters at the start of the battle. This can provide a significant defensive advantage against debuff-focused strategies.

Important Notes:

  • Cleanse does not affect self-inflicted debuffs, like the Sacrifice ability.
  • Multiple Cleanse attempts in a single round don't stack. The 50% chance applies per attack from a Cleanse monster.
  • Be aware of rulesets that affect status effects or Cleanse effectiveness.



  • Counteracting debuffs: Cleanse provides a valuable counter to decks heavily reliant on applying status effects like Poison, Stun, Blind, Silence, and Affliction. By removing these debuffs from your key monsters, you can maintain their effectiveness and disrupt the enemy's strategy.
  • Protecting high-value targets: Prioritizing Cleanse attacks on enemy monsters with debuffs affecting your most powerful attackers or tanks can significantly boost their offensive or defensive capabilities, turning the tide of battle in your favor.
  • Combo potential: Combining Cleanse with abilities like Opportunity or Sneak allows you to surprise enemy debuffed monsters, remove their negative effects, and potentially eliminate them in a single round. This can create devastating chain reactions and gain you a strategic advantage.
  • Summoner synergy: Certain Summoners like Djinn Oshun and Albatross grant Cleanse to all friendly monsters at the start of the battle. This offers a passive and potent defense against any debuff-focused strategy, safeguarding your entire team.
  • Versatility: Cleanse is not limited to specific types of debuffs or monsters. It can be used against any negative status effect and on any enemy monster within reach, providing flexibility and adaptability in your strategies.


  • Limited chance of activation: Cleanse only has a 50% chance to trigger upon hitting an enemy, which adds an element of randomness to its effectiveness. You might need to rely on multiple Cleanse attempts or strategize accordingly to ensure its activation on critical targets.
  • Vulnerability to other strategies: While Cleanse counters debuff-based decks, it might not be as effective against strategies focused on direct damage, high attack, or other mechanics. Consider building a balanced deck with Cleanse alongside other abilities to handle diverse opponents.
  • Limited offensive potential: Cleanse monsters themselves might not be the primary damage dealers in your deck. Their main value lies in removing debuffs and supporting your offensive powerhouses. Ensure you have a good mix of defensive and offensive capabilities.
  • Ruleset limitations: Certain rulesets like "Broken Shields" or "Crippling Blow" can affect your ability to apply or benefit from Cleanse. Be aware of such limitations and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Overall, Cleanse is a versatile and powerful ability that can significantly impact the flow of battle. Understanding its mechanics and incorporating it into your deck or strategic approach can provide tremendous defensive advantages and help you overcome debuff-reliant opponents.
