Ability Explaination: Close Range #11



Close Range is a unique ability that allow ranged monster can attack from the first position.


  • Ranged attackers in the first position: Normally, ranged monsters can only attack from the second position and beyond. Close Range removes this restriction, allowing them to occupy the front line and attack first.
  • Normal attack accuracy applies: Despite being in the first position, ranged attacks with Close Range retain their normal accuracy compared to melee fighters.


  • Disrupting enemy strategies: Placing a ranged attacker with Close Range at the front can surprise the enemy, potentially targeting and eliminating key threats before they can attack, disrupting their strategy.
  • Protecting tanks: By attacking first, your Close Range monster can potentially eliminate weak enemy attackers before they reach your tanks, reducing incoming damage and protecting your frontline.
  • Combo potential: Combine Close Range with abilities like Opportunity or Sneak to create devastating chain reactions. Your ranged attacker might eliminate an enemy, triggering Opportunity attacks from your melee monsters and further decimating the enemy team.
  • Utilizing high HP or high speed ranged monsters: Close Range opens up opportunities for ranged monsters with high health to act as both attackers and frontline tanks, soaking up damage while dealing significant attacks. Additionally, high-speed ranged monsters can benefit from attacking first and potentially gaining extra turns before the enemy.


  • Vulnerability to melee attackers: Placing a ranged monster in the first position exposes them to melee attacks, which can deal significant damage if they survive the initial ranged attack. Consider pairing Close Range monsters with Taunt tanks or positioning them strategically to minimize melee risks.
  • Limited effectiveness against certain decks: Close Range might not be as beneficial against decks with strong melee attackers or abilities like Reach that can still hit your front line first. Adapting your strategy based on the enemy deck is crucial.
  • Ruleset awareness: Be aware of rulesets that affect positioning or ranged attacks. For example, "Only One" limits attacks per round, potentially hindering Close Range effectiveness.


Overall, Close Range is a potent ability that can significantly alter your strategies and offer tactical advantages. By understanding its effects, weighing the pros and cons, and adapting your approach based on the specific situation, you can leverage Close Range to surprise your opponents and claim victory in the Splinterlands arena.


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