Splinterland's Scavenger


Besides the heal and tank heal abilities another way monsters can heal themselves is through scavenger or life leach. I am not fond of either one them. However scavenger runs closes to the heal abilities as it will be excluded in Healed Out rule set. Today we look at the pros and cons of scavenger.

Scavenger will provide 1 health point to holder of the ability when any monster dies. Then best case is if both sides have formation filled there is potential of 11 health points in reach for the monster with scavenger.

Monsters With Scavenger

There are currently (18) cards that poses this ability with all splinters having at least two monsters with the ability, but earth, life, death, and neutral having three each.

Monsters Stats

The weakness it seems with having scavenger is that majority of the monsters have a health 5 or less. With Gelatinous Cube and Dark Ha'on are exceptions being they can have double digit health at max levels.

A good way to increase health is have summoner with health boost or monsters with Strengthen to boost friendly monsters' health. That way allows the monsters better opportunity to survive an attack.

In order to have scavenger be useful the monster needs to survive while its opponent gets knocked out. This can only be done so if monsters have reasonable health. Hence focusing on keeping health value high will increase the likelihood of using scavenger.

Rule Sets To Avoid

As mentioned in beginning of the post rule set such as heal out will stop scavenger from working. There maybe other items that limits the use of scanvenger that decreases the use of the ability. Like for instance Keep Your Distance which means 10 out of the 18 monsters can not be used since they have melee attack.

Rule Sets That Benefits

Little league is good considering it limits opponent's from bring in high attacking monsters when mana is 4 or below. Meanwhile 14 of the 18 monsters can be used when little league is at play. There is also reverse speed that can potentially play into scavenger.

The majority of monsters run between 2 and 3 speed at base level which makes it be able to attack before opponent. When you can attack before your opponent you have better chance of knocking out opponent first and then triggering scavenger.


I have found that using multiple monsters with scavenger can lead to a nice combination of self healing. When I go with earth splinter Screeching Vulture is usually a staple.

With combination of opportunity and scavenger it allows Vulture a greater chance of knocking out opponents and getting scavenger activated. No wonder the ability image is very similar to the monster card.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

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The ability is quite good and I really like using Riftwing. In a low mana match, just having a lot of cards and that scavenger ability can make them tanky.


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I like the Life Leech ability monsters the most. I have one Legendary death monster ANCIENT LICH that has Life Leech ability.
