Splinterlands - My End Of Season 43 Review



This is the first season ending with the Chaos Legions cards in print and I will say it has effected a major part of my passive income earnings in Splinterlands. Read on to hear about it.

The stats to follow is created by Splinterstats from the following link:


If you input your own user name and run through the process it will output the end of season results of your account too.

My Loot



For the season I got a decent amount of cards and potions. It all mixed in with a few DEC but not as much as a typical season. Read on to see why I was earning less in DEC.

Rank Battles


For the season overall I had slightly more wins than losses with a ratio of 232 wins to 212 loses. It is worth mentioning during the season over half of the time I was within the novice to bronze league as I struggle to get enough rank points back to silver. This was particularly frustrating because at the time I had most of my cards in play, multiple level 4 to max level cards depending on rarity, and yet still unable to swiftly get to my usually league in Silver.


With my season woes I still ended up close to earning 5k DEC in value from rank play. It was particular more wins this season as I played more matches in order get claw my way back up the ranks. However my average of slightly over 7k DEC in total rewards was not achieved. I was significantly lower by over 2k DEC in rewards. Will keep this number in main as I go further into the stats.


With less DEC value earned for the season it meant less in reward loots. However taking a closer look at my loot chest results it appears on $ DEC value I have about the same amount in chest rewards. I assume this is the case because the reward chest quantities earn whether in bronze or silver was not that much different. It is only a major difference when compared to bronze and gold, from one all the way to seven chests. For many seasons I had mostly been in silver league.

Passive Income in Rentals


Now looking at the bulk of my earnings for the season. Since I was able to on average rent out my cards to earn around 5k DEC daily during the season I still manage to earn close to 90k DEC for the season. However this figure was a drop from my prior season. I would factor in that Chaos Legions effected the rental markets, where making rentals cheaper, in turn making lenders like myself earning less.

This goes back to looking at my total play 2 earn rewards DEC value which was a little over 2k DEC lower than my usual season average. That number on top of my lower total rental income leads to a less the above average season in earnings.


There was a struggle in the season and it showed in my results. I could not get myself out of novice and bronze league for half a season. Meanwhile taking away many cards that I would supposedly rent out to use in order to push my campaign of higher ranks possible led to lower rental revenue. On top of that the intro of Chaos Legions effected the rental prices. It effected in overall lower rental prices causing further deterioration in rental income.

A lot of changing in Splinterlands with new Chaos Legions, slight upgrades in the games and new tournaments and my adjustments to stay competitive playing with renting less cards. It all ended up to a overall poor performance for the season in regards to earnings.

On a positive note during my stay in novice and bronze leagues I had learn to play better with the death splinter. A majority of the matches in those leagues were low in mana and I had once thought low mana matches were suited for fire splinter. I was wrong. A lot of players in those leagues uses death splinter. My having to deal with playing in the lower leagues have gave me new found strategies of play with the death splinter. I am now playing better with the death splinter overall.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you are interested to learn more about Splinterlands please go through some of my other posts. Order is from newest to oldest posts:

Splinterlands - Securing Your Cards From Hackers

Everything About Dark Energy

All You Want To Know About Reward Chests

SPS White Paper Cliff Notes

Helpful Links for New and Veteran Players

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!

