Strategy Corner #42 - Up Close and Personal - Avoid melee damage at all costs :)



Heya Splinterlanders :)

I hope that will be the last time that I start the article by talking about land expansion :). Tomorrow is the day when we are finally (really ?) getting them on the main server. I have some curiosity about how it changes the whole Splinterlands ecosystem, but as I mentioned several times, I'm rather curious about what's next :).
I'm so surprised that I could see something I was talking about a new set card reveal by the content creator. It's so great idea that was practiced by so many bigger titles, and finally, we have it in SPL. It brings more attention to the game and streams. I have to be honest, I had quite a busy weekend, so, unfortunately, I missed the new cards sneak peek. I will probably try to analyze them in the next article.
And for today's Strategy Corner we have only a ruleset, so let's jump to the definition.




Only units with melee attacks can be used.

Use Thorns and Demoralize to counter melee attacks.
Units with 2 types of attacks (including melee) can be used.

Firstly, the description of the ruleset in the game is not perfect, sometimes you get just general information which does not give you all the information you need. The best way to read the full description as above from the game documentation at least once. You can check all here.

I seriously encourage you guys to check this site, even more advanced players could find something interesting there.

As the article's title says, I think Up Close and Personal is quite a specific ruleset. It drastically limits options to monsters with melee damage, but you can still use multi-damage-type monsters like Quora, and I think this is the key element to that ruleset. Melee Damage is easily counterable with Mylor, Shield ability, and Demorlize. Sometimes the only option to deal any damage is to use some magic monsters because damage reduction is so high. And of course, Mylor is the king here, those 2 points of thorn damage are usually lethal to any monster, so sometimes is even better to not attack or miss. I think I don't need to mention how important is the armor, depending on the situation it could be enough to fight verus Mylor.
Let's check our battle:



Today's battle is an older Bronze Tournament match with quite interesting ruleset combination.


As you can see both me and my opponents had quite similar plans. The same summoner and the most important monster from both setups is Quora. We used different orders, and the opponent had another nice addition - demoralize from Disintegrator. I'm not sure why I haven't chosen that unit. On the front position, we both used Monster with Shield, which is quite usual as most of the damage is physical. That's why any other damage and particular magic is so important in that kind of match.


Round 4, because of this ruleset combination and so much limited damage, we already jumped to round 4. Before it didn't happen much :). So we lost our tank here, first blood, but it took a while. Our sneak protector did great job so far, inflicting the same amount of damage to his attacker.


Round 5, we managed to kill the opponent's tank, another damage inflicted on two of the opponent's monsters with thorn damage. Unfortunately our sneak attacker is useless, because of Quora's healing ability.


Round 6, was so close to killing Oppoenet's Uraeus, but because he got help from Venari Scout, our brave Mycelic Morphoid died.


Round 7, We managed to kill Uraues with an opportunity from Scout, our Quora had a tough time as first-row monster now, so let's see if the heal is enough to survive all the attacks.


Round 9, we got very spread damage, so only Quora can save us here


Round 10, not much happened, heal is strong, but as you can see it was very close, just 4 HP after the opponent's attack. But next turn we should eliminate Disintegrator, so there is a chance here.


Final Blow - Round 12 - two rounds later we finally managed to deliver the final blow. With some additional buff from killing two monsters, our Quora had enough HP to survive that attack's pressure. So now you can see how important is magic damage, let's discuss more in analysis section.



The battle was very close. Small nuances decided about the winner here. Another thing was quite interesting set of rulesets. I really big fan of increasing the rulest to three, adds a lot of depth to the fights. First thing with equalizer you have to consider is filling all available slots, even with some cannon fodder units. Here Mycelic Morpoid did a lot of damage just sitting at the back line. Another important thing, that I totally forgot or ignored, is demoralize ability. Using any damage debuff could be crucial, because usually players use tank with Shield ability. Sometimes is enough to stop litatly all damage. We could see here, that some of the monster could do any damage. That's why is so important to get another type of damage, especially magic. Quora Towershead is the brightest star here and if the earth team is available I would say the must. Positioning is something ticky here, the last position is definitely the mistake. Other options are not easy to evaluate. You can always try to check with battle simulator from xbot here


As you can see shifting position one unit back gave me 100% winrate, before in my original position it was around 90%. I encourage you to check your replays with that tool, give you a lot of valuable information.



LOBB LOWLAND, I talked about it earlier, but with more and more time I played all those soulbound summoners I'm becoming more and more convinced of them. Defintly using the gladiator cards are so important with some of specific situation, Quora, Captain Katie, Ketralba are just too powerful, so even 6 mana summoner with no so great ability justify using them. My favourite is life one (of course I don't remember the name and I didn't want to check it even :) ), but Lobb and dragon one which are similar are still solid.


QUORA TOWERSHEAD I don't even want to write anything about that card. It's great almost everywhere, but for that specific ruleset with only melee cards are available, Quora is so crucial. Additional magic damage is just crucial. In general I still think that card need some nerf. Maybe leave the stats, but increase the mana cost ? 12 mana ? What do you think about that change ?


DUMACKE ORC, another great soulbound card, of course it's much better in ruleset where armor is available. Without equalizer ruleset, I don't recommend to use that card in first place, magic damage is able to kill that card immediately. There are few other options: in silver and higher after the card receive retalation skill it's quite nice option to use that card as sneak defense.



Even though it may seem with quite limited rulesets there are so many choices, and small thing could decide about the winners and losers. So today article's keynote is checking all your options and learn from replays. It's massive tool which help you a lot with strategy and tactical, and it's should be implemented directly into the game.
Regarding the ruleset, limitation is quite strong, but still we have some different options to consider. Of course, you always need to be aware of Mylor, which sometimes is just to strong to get any counterplay. Don't forget about armor, in every battles melee only or whatever :)
I hope the land expansion will be implemented without any problems, and we can finally find some time for other things. I know I repeat myself for a longer time already :).


I hope you like this kind of report, battle, and strategy presentation. More strategy analysis, discussion, and prediction games you can find on my Wednesday Twitch Channel stream. There will be schedule soon :)

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate. Do you think I could improve anything just tell me :)


If you wish to try out Splinterlands you can use my reference link.

Thumbnails and other pictures borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Cooltext


We continue our game from the previous week, today new battle, new card to win :).

I come up with some ideas, I hope you will like them and participate. Every week I will publish one battle, and your goal is to point out the first victim of the battle and who will be the winner. This game is exactly the same as my prediction game which I run on my Wednesday stream. I know that not everyone can attend the stream, so I hope you will still have fun in that way. More about the rules can be read here.

Among all participants who get the correct answer, I will randomly (probably on my Wednesday stream) choose one winner.

The prize of the blog prediction game for the lucky winner will be the epic card:


Here we got the battle:


Game instruction:
Try to point out which monster will die first on the battlefield and who wins the battle

  • t - top player
  • b - bottom player
  • number - order counting from the first position

t2b = monster on the second position of top player dies first, the bottom player wins
b6t = monster on the sixth position of bottom player dies first, the top player wins
t3t = monster on the third position of top player dies first, the top player wins



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