Fifteen days later hive splinterlands game I lifted the riad yesterday.

Hello friends

Good evening how are you all i hope you are well we are healthy Alhamdulillah I am also well and healthy. Today is Wednesday 16th March 2022 in English. Today I will share with you twice the month of Riyadh received yesterday as a gift. We have received a card with various cut coins from the splinterlands game. I will share with you that card.
Card names:-@LAVA LAUNCHER @splinterlands

Friends, if you play games like me all the time, grab different cards and money. This is the pipeline of earning money, so you can easily play this game if you want. Make money every day and like me.

If you are too patient to play the game, you will not be able to win one day. You have to find out where you are going wrong and select the car beautifully because it is very important to select the cards in this game and you have to sort the cards with the help of skill. Friends, you can sort the cards by following me if you want. You can also select the cards by watching the many videos given on YouTube.


Now I will upload the pictures of my card selection and sorting the cards through the screenshot of my phone so that you can understand how I arranged the cards.


The situation of the battle game in the first round


2 / Round Battle Game Situation


3 / Round Battle Game Situation


4 / Round Battle Game Situation


5 / Round Battle Game Situation


I am finishing 5 rounds of this game of 27 mana and the battery is winning. I have only one card down. I have won with the remaining four cards. This is the game of intelligence. Doing selection. You have to choose a stronger card than him to win based on him. Then you can go to the game.

This time I will share with you three links that can be called attraction. These links will help you to show the game, so friends, enjoy the video through this link of mine.

So friends, this was today's block. I hope you like it. If you like it, please let me know in the comments. Many thanks to me for the blog. I hope everyone will be well and healthy. May Allah bless us.
