Try and Try To Death



Playing Splinterlands again today because I know that the season wrapped up and I went in to claim my season rewards. And of course, since my overall power level isn't really admissible to the court of the golden circle so I was only eligible to the minimum 5 chests. I opened them and so many potions again. And I got a Pelacor Mercenary.


And that makes me an owner of two very muscular and fancy flying tank. I know that this one can be used as a tank and it's pretty effective too with its Flying ability. It adds a bit more challenge for the opponent to hit it and it can cause a lot of misses.

Moving on, I decided to finally get to my daily quest and hopefully finish it. I was stumped with it for a couple of days now, it may have been because I'm so lame or maybe lady luck wasn't just siding with me lately.


As you can see, I have already won 4 battles out of countless tries. That may be a dozen or maybe a couple dozens, but either way, I only needed one. I tried and I tried but that fifth victory eluded me for days. It seemed like the Death Splinters have it against me. Suddenly, I can't win anymore. So if I string enough losses, I rest. And it took me several days to finally believing myself that I could get it.

And with a new season and a renewed resolve, I thought that today was finally my day. I'm going to end this daily quest once and for all.


And with the roll of the dice, I think that finally, lady luck has looked my way. My opponent brought Life Splinters. I don't know if there's an outstanding principle out there, but I personally thinks that Death Splinters are better compared to Life Splinter monsters. I mean, I'm just basing that on my experience and on my cards. Of course, it may also mean that I just have a pitiful deck or maybe my strategic skills aren't really capable of handling the Life Splinters.

So anyway, the battle was within 17 mana cap and I needed a win using Death Splinters so I went with my go-to Death Summoner. Thaddeus Brood. My lineup of choice looks like this.


I went with my new favorite decoy tank to man the frontline. I choose Carrion Shade to lead the battle, I was just trying to buy enough time for my attackers to settle in.

The next was the Cursed Windeku, of course he's my real tank here but I was trying to protect it for at least a direct hit. Carrion Shade could take the first hit if it needs to and that would gi e my attackers ample time to join in on the battlefield.

For the main attackers, I used the Skeleton Warrior and the Death Elemental. I just love their tandem, their one-two punch combination can really make you happy. The other attacks the backline and the other attacks the ranged directly which is usually located in the backline so they focus their attacks away from the opponent's tank, and you know how it is, it is never good to be hit from the back.

Hmmm. Wait... I'm still talking about Splinterlands here, okay, no innuendos or anything, but if you heard something different, then good for you. I like how you think. :)

So yeah, hits were exchanged a little fire here some magic blasts over there and soon enough the darkness took over. Gloomy death smells all around and that spelled victory for me.

Finally, after several days of trying and trying and losing, I finally accomplished the "daily" quest that stretched for several days.


And I never thought that I would be so happy and satisfied to see this message. Oh yeah!


And with all the battles I've been through, I'm ready to claim the spoils and the reward for all the troubles the daily quest made me endure. Lol.


And tadah! I got 7 credits for the daily quest. Not bad. Better credits than potions, I have already tons of those.

And if you want to see how it all went down, you may watch the in-game replay here:



This has been another entry for Splinterlands weekly event.

Thank you so much for visiting and reading.

That's it from me and until we read again...


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Life is the most precious thing, do not proclaim things in your life that go against it)

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Oh yes of course...
This is just an article about Death Splinters.
