Splinterlands is the Web 3 Gaming Revolution: Earn Money from Fun


Splinterlands - The Web 3 Gaming Revolution

Web 3 technology has come to stay with arrays of innovation that has reshaped how people interact with the internet and their data. Gone are the days when those who live their days online were considered irresponsible. There is a great shift as we can witness today.

Image made from Canva

Being a graduate, the only option for earning money some decades ago would have been to work in government or private establishment if you do not have the money to start your own business. Thanks to Hive blockchain that has become a place we meet friends and make money at the same time.

When I joined Hive at first, all I knew as the option to earn was to write post and later on to create videos. Although Splinterlands was active but it never came to my knowledge as an earning option. Fast forward to 2022, things have so changed drastically, the fuzz about NFTs and play o earn games got me curious to know about splinterlands and here I am too to be a part of this economic revolution through gaming.

Splinterlands card in array - source

Splinterlands Innovation stands out in the Crowd

Splinterlands is a unique web 3 based digital trading card game, second to none yet in the entire blockchain space. With the addition of Genesis league Sports to the splinterlands ecosystem, the game does not just model battles, but now includes the much loved sports combat. Splinterlands game players own their cards and other in-game assets.

Each card in splinterlands is a non- fungible token (NFT) owned by the player. This gives the player the right to do anything they want with their cards. Such things that can be done with the cards for profit include:

  • Battling for rewards
  • Holdings as collectibles.
  • Trading on the peer-to-peer market
  • Renting to other players for a fee
  • Combining to level up
  • Burning cards to obtain Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) which is the official in-game cryptocurrency of Splinterlands.

My Splinterlands Battle History

Today, many mainstream media talk about hive blockchain because of Splinterlands game. The uniqueness and innovation that characterizes the game cannot be ignored in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. This has given way to more collaborations with other cryptocurrency communities and even non-crypto community for NFT creations and marketing.

DeFi feature with SPS

The Splinterlands gaming deck also provides a wide range of options for non-gamers to make money from their investments. For example, the splinterlands governance token - SPS can be bought in the market and staked in the game for a receipt of a portion of the staked SPS. Records in the gaming wallet presently shows 27% as annual returns on investment for SPS.

splinterlands has become my new found Gaming Addiction.

Who's in to join me as we make big fun that takes you to the bank each day, week, month? Start splinterlands here
