
When I started this game, I almost quit in an instant because of the playing style of auto battle. But as I played the game, I understand how this game works. It is not only placing what card you want. It is a strategy of what card you should used in different rules and it also depends on your enemy battle history.

The next thing I tried is the renting. When I started the game, I only have 9 days left before season ends. So I rented some cards. Being a newbie and limited source of dec I tried experimenting what cards should I rent for cheaper but reaching the desired power, and this is what I discovered.



Sample & Explanation

Let say I need 70,000 power to reached the silver 1 league. The image above, showing that the ideal and having a instant 75,000 power is under Beta/Reward- Legendary – Gold Foil cards. So I checked it to the market.


So for this sample I used Lord Arianthus lvl 2 Legendary and Gold Foil for about 138.750 dec for a day. Having a lot of dec this is the easiest way to rent. But if you have a limited amount of dec try this.

I’ve noticed that cards under ALPHA/BETA – RARE category gives you 60 power for only 0.10 dec. So let’s do the math

75,000 power / 60 power (APLHA/BETA –RARE)

=1,250 cards needed to reach 75,000 power
=1,250 * 0.10 dec
=125 dec for a day


=138.750 - 125
=13.75 Dec savings.

For 13.75 dec savings, I rented some useful card especially in battling in silver 1 – Gold Leauge at level 1. Imagine to have that saving if you rented multiple cards.

I know that this sounds crazy; it’s very hard to click 1,250 times versus a click of 75,000 power card. Before the applying of current rank on season rewards, this method is very useful to me because at anytime the ALPHA/BETA –RARE cards is always available. But I’ve noticed that the previous ended season gave them the importance. I was shock that this cards that I rented amounting of 0.10 dec became 2-5 dec even 10 dec and more. And the availability of this cards became limited. From thousands of stock became hundreds and has a higher price (just because of last day of end season). Well the good thing is, you can use this method especially if you just reaching a lower league. But you can also use this if you have a lot of dec and a lot of patience.

This might be the best suggestion but I hope this method helps some player out there. Good luck, Enjoy and God Bless!
