RE: Congrats 2 Splinterlands


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I agree. They're really doing well right now because the base of the game is solid, probably the best in the space, and there is tons of room to grow. It is easy to think you're doing everything right when the game is getting 10k new players a day. I definitely question some of their decisions lately though. And wonder if they could be doing a better job capitalizing on this growth. This success is great now, but it is unlikely to last. The question is, will it plateau or drop off. And that all depends on what they do to retain the players they're getting right now. And there is definitely a bit of sourness coming from a lot of new players.

I like the game a lot and think/hope it has a bright future. Just never really know though.


There's a bit of a dash for cash going on. Early adopters want payback for their money/time investment and new users are desperate to make anything. Trying to keep everyone happy is hard. I think other games are seeing similar issues. Rising Star is giving away less free stuff now.


That is true. Think a lot from a lot of people is riding on how the next month or so plays out. It will be interesting at least.

I am a little afraid many people have their hopes too high for the Chaos set. From a player's point of view a lot of people are thinking it is going to even things up and make things affordable. From an investor point of view they're swarming to hoard it all and make a big profit. Sadly I think a lot of people will be disappointed on both sides. How much more competitive can you get with like 80 more cards. And the worth of the cards are probably going to be way less than investors are hoping due to the 20x print rate but still more than poorer players are hoping since most will be controlled by people trying to monopolize the market.

Definitely a balancing act in many respects. I don't envy the dev team at times like this. Though I often sound negatively when I talk about it, I think they're doing a pretty good job. I have basically all my savings wrapped up in it one way or another. 😅
