RE: New Year With New HOPE for Crypto!


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Question for you...

You have said place orders now to buy BTC at various levels... so yo recommend placing limit orders in CEXs at those ranges, when people don't trust CEX to store their funds thesedays?

Second... I am not into this perpetual deriavatives market, so I problem understand it...

I see CEX are leaders in it...because their make money out of margin calls...leverage ...

You want DEX to take more dominance in this? ...that day looks far!!

The article is pretty well written though... but its too optimistic for how it is in reality for crypto space...

I would say, please chill, you will know when market has bottomed, you will get a accumulation phase and you buy safely than putting limit orders on CEXs...

hmm... but there's going to be lot of developments and growth in Blockchain space and its always going to be exciting for sure and challenging with all these regulations, and anti-crypto Govt. and taxes and cheats...

I still can't recommend buy BTC to others through CEX coz of the high withdrawal fees,,, so is that only for wealthy or smart asses or what!!

THere is no answer for all this, except, learn on your own...


You have said place orders now to buy BTC at various levels... so yo recommend placing limit orders in CEXs at those ranges, when people don't trust CEX to store their funds thesedays?

Yeah, I have no points to disagree on that after the FTX collapse but the decentralized option is not ready yet. But if you are gonna buy a huge amount, then the withdrawal fees is not so high compare to many other options. But for a trader or general investor, it is difficult to escape from the CEX which may be happened in near future. Even you can't trust the whole blockchain except some of the gems like BTC and ETH as the control is over a few hands which is also not a good thing.

You want DEX to take more dominance in this? ...that day looks far!!

Indeed, I want DEX to move forward, like you I don't blv the CEX anymore but there is a huge demand for the retailers to have the opportunity for trading and the p2p market is also very effective for the mass adoption without any deeper knowledge on the account safety and they can easily avoid the scams by storing their assets into CEXs.

I would say, please chill, you will know when market has bottomed, you will get a accumulation phase and you buy safely than putting limit orders on CEXs...

It's difficult to buy at the bottom without prior orders as often the CEX stops the trading and even the time is for a very short period for the absolute bottom. But for a broader view, it is now the accumulation zone and anyone can start buying a part by part of their funds without having prior orders.

Thanks a lot for your time and attention in reading my post.
