My 2023 splinterlands

Just like every beginning of anything, there must be an inspirational motive force targeted at aiming a particular goal that is if you want to succeed and be proud of what were did.

I have stated my goals and end-of-year achievement in another web 3.0 package.

Here on a hive, we know that #splinterlands is one of the leading communities with a lot of packages such as the various battles challenges, weekly sharing and entry posts, dealing with games cards #SPS #GLX and other, etc #crypto coins and #hive tokens.

This year am going to be aiming and concentrating most especially on the game aspect but I would not slack on the aspect of the coin as I also invest little of my strength and effort.

Splinterlands game is termed the "next generation of collectible card games" which allows players to collect, trade, and battle with provably scarce digital collectibles with real-world value. Battles on Splinterlands Unlike most trading card games, are fast and furious and are usually completed within a few minutes. The Splinterlands gameplay is simple and easy to learn viz: reviewing combat rules, making and submitting the team, and watching the battle unfold.

The most interesting aspect and uniqueness of this next-generation collectible card game or #splinterlands game for those who have not known it before now is its ability #play2earn.

Yes, I said play to earn, the game unlike other online and computer games has a down wallet for earning hive tokens which can be converted to #crypto coins but not like other games where you only achieve diamonds 💎 and other things which you make use of it outside the game. Eve

The game has many ways of benefiting a player depending on the angle a player wants to concentrate in.

My main aim this year is on the game card aspect, I don’t want to be a battle challenge player but a card owner. Being a card owner you may choose to play the game or not but your game token would still be rising due to the card business, the cards will be fixed on rental use only and not be sold in the main time.
I hope I wouldn’t regret this decision am about taking.

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And don’t forget to stake more SPS, buy cards, and rent to build up the battle challenge platform #splinterlands as a whole.
