what if fantasy creatures were real; I will go for a dragon and Genies


This is a very super interesting topic I must say. I am just imagining a world were dragons, giraffe, unicorns or even fairies will live. How will it look like by now, or infact any other creatures, what will our everyday lives look like.

That's not all, what if the creatures come in and start interacting with humans, talking, laughing and communicating like every other human beings do.... don't you think it will be fun?of course It will really be fun with your favorite fantasy creature.

One of my favorite fantasy creature I will love to come is the dragon... Omor, don't go there, dragons


is one of the most fascinating creatures alive... It is not only an ordinary creature, but one of the biggest and longest creature that has been part of myth stories for a very long time now.
Dragons are usually seen as the most powerful and very wise creatures and sometimes uses magical powers.

I have always seen dragon creature not only in movies but also in storybooks. Their abilities, powers and stories told about them are always inspiring and interesting. Seeing it in real life and interacting with them will be my greatest happiness.

It will really be fun when I see it go up through the sky and then breathing fire just like I normally see in the movies. It may perhaps trigger me to dream and think big and also become creative too...
So yes, I will choose dragon over again for the fantasy creatures

Finally, another beautiful fantasy creature I think would love to meet is, genies


Omor... Forget it, if I finally meet with this particular creature, I have everything.
I didn't know that genies is actually a creature until I read about it. Always seeing particular creature in Aladdin and the magic lamp was something I thought that it was just a film show, but actually it is real.

Genies is a beautiful magical beings, that grant people's wishes just like we see in the movies and read about it in books.
Just like in the movies that we usually watch, genies granted Aladdin 3 wishes and trust me, if I have the chance to get hold of this magical creatures, then believe me I will be rich anyhow sha.!

I think this particular magical fantasy creature is what everyone should wish of seeing, i have read about it and Done a lot of research about it and it has really helped me and enlightened me more, because i wantted to know the origin of this beautiful magical creature.

So, this is my favorite fantasy creatures, the dragon and genies i wish it was actually real. But all the Same thank you #hiveghana for bringing such a beautiful and mind blowing topic. It was actually very fun and i will come back.

Don't forget to drop by, reblog, votes etc. it is always amazing time writing and giving a critical thinking to all this brainstorming questions.

@mmenyene cares ❣️
Have a lovely and beautiful day.


First time hearing about any creature called genies

I'll really love to know more about them
Thanks for sharing ☺️


Shey you have watch Aladdin and the magic lamp???

That lamp is the creature ooooo


I think there is something special about genie that everyone is wishing to have it.

Thanks for sharing this with us


Omor ....
I need it ooooo
I would have been the happiest been alive.

Thank you too for stopping by
