Reflecting on the Lessons of 2023


Welcome to my blog !

As 2023 draws to a close, it's a good time to think about all the things that happened in the last twelve months. Every year has its own challenges, victories, and things we learn that make us grow personally and together.

Getting through the past 12 months has been tough for me, with good days, bad days, times I wanted to quit, and times I had to be strong. Without a doubt, 2023 has taught me a whole bunch.

At the beginning of 2023, everything was going well and rosy, but as time went on, a lot of things happened that taught me important lessons. I came into 2023 with new goals, and I managed to reach some, but there are still some I haven't achieved.

I Learnt to be independent
Being independent is super important. It's really necessary because it can save you from things like letdowns, feeling upset, and being embarrassed.
As a student in the university, I had usually ask my parents for money, and they would always give me but not that much as i expected because my sister too is in school and will also need money.

A lot of times, I'd feel upset. So, I chose to learn a useful skill and was more consistent in Hive and i’m proud to say that i can now pay my bills and even that of my siblings.

I learnt to Put yourself first.
I'm the type who always likes to show love and appreciation to others, but I forget to do the same for myself. I would always make sure people around me are doing great and i won’t do same for myself.

At the end, Some people did not appreciate my kind gesture and they took it for granted.. To prevent that, take care of yourself first; be kind to yourself and love yourself a lot.

I learnt Forgiveness.
There was a time when forgiving people was hard for me, I was always bitter and kept malice with people that offended me, but this year, many people upset me, and I noticed it became much easier for me to forgive them.

I also learnt this year that I shouldn't always expect a lot from people.
Doing this will stop me from feeling down or depressed later on. I make an effort to be kind to everyone around me without expecting them to treat me the same way.

We're all unique with our own thoughts and ways of doing things. I can't assume everyone will think or behave the same way i do. This way of thinking shaped who I am and lets me do things for others without expecting anything back.

I learnt to take care of my physical health.
This year, I felt really worn out and broke down a lot because I wasn't looking after my body. I had to take a break for a few days to rest and get back on track. I promised that next year, I'll pay more attention to my health than I did this year.

I wouldn't have learned so much in 2023 if I didn't take the time to go through these lessons. I see them as teachings that helped shape me into a better person.

Thanks for reading...

I am @mummygo
Your Proud farmercist
Minister of Smiles


First of all you have a pretty smile.
It looks like everyone learnt to put their health first this year. Great lessons.


Thanks for the compliment 😊. I'm glad you appreciated those lessons. Putting your health first is so important! It's amazing how taking care of your physical and mental well-being can impact every other aspect of your life.


This is a wonderful piece by you, you've learnt alot and I can relate to some of them.

Putting myself first is something I'm just learning to do and so is learning to forgive.


Thank you
That's wonderful to hear that you're learning to prioritize yourself and practice forgiveness. Those are both incredibly important life skills that can have a huge impact on your happiness and well-being.
