Lily Shieldpaw Strategy


Summoners, which give properties to other cards, have a special place in the Splinterlands game. Dragon element summoners are especially important because they can be used with cards of other elements. In this context, it is unsurprising that the most popular card in Splinterlands is Byzantine Kitty, a dragon summoner.

It was claimed that when Lily Shieldpaw appeared, she would shake the throne of Byzantine Kitty. Lily, like Kitty, is a dragon summoner and provides healing support to the team. Kitty's throne was indeed shaken but not overthrown. Over time, it became clear that both were effective in different rule sets. Currently, both are frequently used in medium and large mana-limit games. Since Lily is a Chaos Legion summoner, she will continue to be used in the modern format next year. If the new card series Rebellion is released in December, Kitty will be used only in the Wild format in the following period.

Strengths Of Lily Shieldpaw

Lily's Camouflage feature allows us to determine the course of the game. The opponent has the right to attack only the first card. That enables us to plan the route of the game. Thanks to the features of the first card, such as reflection and thorn, we can damage our opponent's cards. Knowing the order in which the opponent will attack our cards is a blessing in terms of planning.

On the other hand, cards with the Scattershot feature can also attack our monsters in the back row. So, we need a defensive setup in the back row. Health and Triage features help us in this regard.

When we give Heal support to our front card with two or more cards, the opponent's job becomes even more difficult. Especially if the card in front has the Immunity feature or has gained it through another card, the Heal process is not interrupted, and destroying the card in front becomes impossible.

Another advantage that Lily brings is that it allows us to use the cards of an element we choose. Thus, we have many alternatives to create our strategy. My experience shows that Lily synergizes best with the Earth and Water elements. There are plenty of cards with Heal and Triage features in both elements.

Weaknesses Of Lily Shieldpaw

There are two features that I attach great importance to when creating my game strategy: speed and protection. Lily can't help us with either issue. The +2 speed Kitty adds monsters ensured that our team would usually be the first to attack. Likewise, there are many summoners with the Protect feature.

Fortunately, the teams we build with Lily are durable. So it doesn't make a big difference who attacks first. Additionally, most cards in the Dragon and Water elements are fast. They can attack the opponent without getting speed support from the Summoner.

Since the opponent must attack the first card, adding the Protect feature to the team is a "Nice To Have" situation. In other words, we can win battles without shields.

Lily Shieldpaw Team

When we increase all the cards to the maximum level, we see that Almo Cambio and Baakjira are the most durable monsters, with 16 health scores. I usually use one of these two cards in the first row.

Almo Cambio is an obvious choice because it has the Immunity feature. In this way, healing continues without interruption until the end of the game. Almo Cambio also has Return Fire and Magic reflect features. Opponents take damage when attacking him. Almo is an expensive card and belongs to the Untamed card family. That means it will not be available in the modern format next year.

Baakjira gives the team speed and extra health and has a self-healing feature. Its disadvantage compared to Almo is that it needs to be supported through a Cleanse-enabled card.

In the second place, Oshuur Constantina is the obvious choice. While the tank supports the card in the first place with its healing feature, it responds to ricocheting shots with its Reflection Shield feature. Additionally, if one of the cards with Scattershot destroys a card in the second row, it brings it back with its Resurrect feature.

The rest of the team changes depending on whether we choose the Water or Earth element. If Water and Earth are not among the elements that can be selected, Life can also be an alternative because these three elements have cards with healing and triage features.

I use Merdaali Guardian in the Water team. So, I have a second healing card. I also often include Deeplurker in my team, as it is an excellent offensive card. Other cards may vary depending on preference. Dragon Jumper, Chaos Dragon, and Scale Doctor stand out as the dragon cards I use frequently. Depending on the nature of the game, I may add other cards to the list.

Khmer Princess and Acid Shooter are my two favorite cards in the Earth team. These cards, which have a value of two mana each, allow us to use Lily at relatively low mana limits. Khmer Princess has both Tank Heal and Triage. Acid Shooter is valuable thanks to its scattershot and poison features. I also use Quinn Mycelia mostly. Thus, the number of Triage increases to 3, and the opponent's protection feature disappears.

To summarize, we use Almo in the first place and Oshuur Konstantina in the second place. Next, we use another card with a tank healing feature. We add one or two offensive cards to the team. By the way, in addition to what Lily provides, we are adding a monster with Triage.

Rulesets Where Lily Is Effective

One of Lily's essential features is that it can be used in a comprehensive list of rulesets. Therefore, listing the rulesets where Lily is ineffective would be more appropriate.

Back To Basics, Even Stevens, Fog Of War, Healed Out, and Rise Of Commons are the rulesets where Lily cannot be used. When we cannot use our main cards that make Lily effective, we must choose other summoners.


Lily Shieldpaw forces the opponent to attack the first card. So, we know how the game will develop, and we create our plan accordingly. In the first row, we use a card with many lives. In the second row, we use a card with Reflection Shield. Thus, we are protected from ricocheting fire. We ensure that our team is supported with at least two Tank Heal and two Triage cards. Thus, we have solved the defense part of the job.

On the offensive side, we use cards with opportunity features, such as Deeplurker and Dragon Jumper. Additionally, we remember to use cards with the Scattershot feature in case the opponent also uses Lily. Our card selections may differ depending on the rulesets and mana limits. Lily provides optimum efficiency in games between 30-45 mana.

Thank you for reading.


I feel the lily's ability are not suited to some of my favorite element. Water for example. I don't think the lily has managed to spin heads, it's still not matched the Kitty in any way. For me, I still feel the Possibilius the wise is a more powerful summoner to the Lily, although the lily can play across all elements


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