Pincer attack with Tenyii Striker [ESP-ENG]




Esta semana es momento de ir en plan ofensivos con el splinter Fuego, mas especificamente con Tenyii Striker, una carta muy potente que tiene un rango de uso tremendo acompañado de unas habilidades buenisimas y que me encanta utilizar. Y aunque no soy un gran jugador de este Splinter, la verdad es que Chaos Legion me ha vuelto un poco fan, sobre todo con la llegada del nuevo invocador legendario, Conqueror Jacek. Vamos entonces a ver su desempeño en esta batalla.

Hello all and welcome, this week in the share your battle challenge is the time to go totally offensive with the splinter Fire, more specifically with Tenyii Striker, a very powerful card that has a tremendous range of use accompanied by some great skills and that I love to use. And although I'm not a big player of this Splinter, the truth is that Chaos Legion has made me a bit of a fan, especially with the arrival of the new legendary summoner, Conqueror Jacek. Let's see how it performs in this battle.





Tenyii Striker es una carta rara de la edicion Chaos Legion, del splinter Fuego. Tiene un costo de mana de 5 puntos y tiene ataque Melee, es una carta que tiene un uso muy especifico debido a su Sneak, pero no por eso se hace mala si no al contrario, es para mi de las mejores cartas que tiene este splinter.

¿Como le sacas provecho a esta carta?

Tiene Sneak desde el nivel 1 asi que su enfoque se tiene que concentrar en hacer un movimiento de pinza con tu alineacion, cartas que ataquen a la primera posicion y cartas que ataquen a la ultima posicion, asi vas acabando con tu oponente desde el principio y el final.

Tenyii Striker is a rare card from the Chaos Legion edition, from the splinter Fuego. It has a mana cost of 5 points and has Melee attack, it is a card that has a very specific use due to its Sneak, but that does not make it bad, on the contrary, it is for me one of the best cards that this splinter has.

How do you take advantage of this card?

It has Sneak from level 1 so your approach has to focus on making a pincer movement with your lineup, cards that attack the first position and cards that attack the last position, so you're finishing with your opponent from the beginning and the end.





Round 1.


Esta es una batalla bastante peculiar por el ruleset, Reverse Speed + Odds Ones Out, eso le quitaba un poco de ventaja a mi Tenyii Striker.

  • Living Lava es para mi el mejor tanque de este splinter, por eso siempre que puedo lo invoco.

  • Disintegrator para disminuir el ataque del oponente, muy importante para hacer que el tanque dure mas en el campo.

  • Djinn Apprentice como soporte para el daño al enemigo, ya que su ataque magico ignora la armadura.

  • Scavo hireling para reparar la armadura de mi tanque, y tambien para servir como señuelo si mi oponente usaba Oportunismo.

  • Serpentine Spy por el tremendo daño que tiene, es un soporte tremendo para el equipo siempre que lo puedas mantener vivo.

  • Tenyii Striker al final porque tiene Dodge y eso le da oportunidad de esquivar ataques, asi tiene una proteccion extra y puede hacer mucho daño.

This is a very peculiar battle because of the ruleset, Reverse Speed + Odds Ones Out, that took a little bit of advantage to my Tenyii Striker.

  • Living Lava is for me the best tank of the fire splinter, so whenever I can I invoke it on my battles.

  • Disintegrator to decrease the opponent's attack, very important to make the tank last longer on the field.

  • Djinn Apprentice as support for enemy damage, since his magic attack ignores armor.

  • Scavo hireling to repair the armor of my tank, and also to serve as a decoy if my opponent used Opportunism.

  • Serpentine Spy for the tremendous damage he has, he is a tremendous support for the team as long as you can keep him alive.

  • Tenyii Striker at the end because he has Dodge and that gives him a chance to dodge attacks, so he has extra protection and can do a lot of damage.


Round 2.


Como mi oponente no uso Oportunism, mi Scavo paso a ser la carta mas importante de mi equipo, esa reparacion de armadura iba a ser vital, el error de mi oponente fue colocar su Disintegrator en ultima posicion porque Tenyii lo iba a tumbar muy rapido, haciendo que mis cartas atacaran mucho mas fuerte.

As my opponent did not use Oportunism, my Scavo became the most important card of my team, that armor repair was going to be vital, my opponent's mistake was to place his Disintegrator in the last position because Tenyii was going to knock him down very fast, making my cards attack much stronger.


Round 3.


Mi Living Lava cayó dandole ventaja a mi oponente, pero su carta mas fuerte estaba a un solo punto de morir y eso iba a igualar la situacion. Su Tenyii empezaba a ser un problema para mi porque estaba cerca de eliminar a mi Tenyii.

My Living Lava fell giving my opponent the advantage, but his strongest card was just one point away from dying and that was going to even the score. His Tenyii was starting to be a problem for me because he was close to eliminating my Tenyii.


Round 4.


La velocidad invertida paso a ser una ventaja haciendo que mis cartas atacaran primero por el nivel, y eso no permitio que su Tenyii eliminara al mio, entonces mi Tenyii elimino al Disintegrator y ahi llego el punto de inflexion de la batalla, dandome la victoria.

The inverted speed became an advantage making my cards attack first by level, and that did not allow his Tenyii to eliminate mine, then my Tenyii eliminated the Disintegrator and there came the turning point of the battle, giving me the victory.


Round 5.


10 pountos de daño por ronda y un tanque suplente (Scavo Hireling). El Trample de mi Disintegrator tambien fue determinante. Por eso es importante jugar con las cartas en el nivel maximo posible de tu liga. No habia ninguna chance para mi oponente aqui.

Si quieres ver la batalla entera solo haz click aqui

10 points of damage per round and a substitute tank (Scavo Hireling). The Trample of my Disintegrator was also decisive. That's why it's important to play with the cards at the maximum possible level of your league. There was no chance for my opponent here.

If you want to see the whole battle just click here


Entender los puntos debiles donde le puedes sacar ventaja a tu enemigo es primordial para convertirte en un buen jugador ¡enfocate en mejorar eso y veras como tu winrate aumentará muchisimo!

Recuerda que toda carta tiene una utilidad real y siempre podras sacarles ventaja si las estudias y analizas bien los datos que tienes a la mano, Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!

Understanding the weak points where you can take advantage of your enemy is essential to become a good player, focus on improving that and you will see how your winrate will increase a lot!

Remember that every card has a utility in this game and you can always take advantage of them if you study them and analyze well the data you have at hand, Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, do not forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and see you in my next post. greetings!


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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

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!1UP Thinking that a card is useless in all situations is a big mistake as there will always be a combination of rules that can make even the worst card a great choice. Thanks for sharing your strategies!
