When a lamb is feed to the slaughter house

So the story goes I join a guild for the third time and wait to battle.
Donate some DEC to the guild.

I join a battle fray that I have cards for.
Guild master changes my fray. I pull put of the battle. I tell them I am missing a couple of gold foil summoners. Then they go and enter me in fray's that I have few cards for. I loose every battle except one. By shear luck I won a battle as it was low mana and I had 7 cards to choose from. It is like trying to fight with your hands tied.
A mana cap battle of 56 and all you can muster is 21 mana with the 4 cards shown you can use.
It was so bad is was funny. One battle I had to flee because I had no summoner at all to use.

Then the guild master states "oh well no one got hurt".

My ranking did. Totally stupid move on their part and I told them as much.
I know guild masters want to fill the battles but it should not come at my expense.

If they are that worried about it they can go rent the cards and enter the battle them selves.
Guild masters should not be allowed to change battles you enter.

This is the second time a guild has done this to me.
I am tempted to not even brawl anymore but hope to get more SPS as it will most likely pass the vote for brawl rewards.
It is frustrating when others think they know your cards better than you do.

Cheers and may the "spells" be with you.

AI art that I though was kind of scary. Maybe it can inspire a new card or spell?
ghoul (2).jpg
