RE: Splinterlands Season 92 Data - [8/16/2022 - 8/31/2022]

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If we combine this with the chest EV by league tool (excluding potions) from


using median values to reduce skew...

Champion: (3.35 x 14 days + 47) chests x 0.986 = 92.584 usd
Diamond: (2.5 x 14 days + 33) chests x 0.196 = 13.328 usd
Gold: (2.5 x 14 days + 27) chests x .029 = 1.798 usd
Silver: (1.07 x 14 days + 17) chests x .007 = .22386 usd
Bronze: (2.28 x 14 days + 22) chests x .003 = 0.16176 usd

Just to annualize that out, we get:


So the real question is how much ROI is that? Where is the most efficient place to play now?

Taking a look at some of the bot farmers accounts, they seem to be playing with a mix of rented level 1s and level 2-3s. Some gold, some regular. It's probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 worth of cards for silver league modern. I wish I could pin down a more exact number but the rentals have expired already. That puts the return on capital around 10%. Obviously much higher for the farmers that are just renting, but I think it makes sense to compare it to the base asset values.

On the other end of the spectrum, we can look at the Champion leaderboard accounts.

fearlessbarbar is playing with 10k worth of cards for modern and was in Champion. That's a ~21% return on capital value. That's probably in the ballpark of a minimum viable set.

I have a test account that is running max level Chaos Legion + a few rewards, all regular foil which has a capital value of around 5k. The account didn't hit Champion this season, but maybe will have some better luck next time.

So somewhere in that 5-10k range will be the most efficient set to hit Champion levels in modern, which is going to be far less expensive than wild.

Since the Champion yield is greater than the Silver yield, I think we are headed in the right direction.


Renting Max level cards is sometimes super cheap :) IDK worth he return, but something to keep in mind :D


thank you for the tldr at the end. numbers are hard 😅 I think pushing hard up is the right move for most.
