My Bronze 1 Rewards, First Time For me!



I know its nothing too impressive, but I was happy! I got more cards than potions and credits and that means I was lucky. I think many of these common cards are going to rise over time so I am happy to hold them and have them add to my collection power. I tried really hard to make it to silver, I had 1900+ rating but my collection power was not high enough. I attempted to rent enough to get to silver but I was unable to get there for a reasonable price. I think I ended with about 11000 power which was mostly rented because my actual power is around 1000.

This has been a fun season for me. I enjoyed playing and collecting DEC and its a lot of excitement to get to open rewards. There is just something that feels so good about it. I can't wait to actually get lucky with a rare/epic/legendary/ or gold foil. Hopefully eventually I can get to silver and get some more rewards!
