Splinterlands: First PreSale Fail

First PreSale Fail.jpeg

The recent conclusion of the Splinterlands Rebellion pack presale marked an unprecedented chapter in the game's history—a departure from the norm as it failed to sell out, sparking contemplation and discourse within the community. While Matt was happy with the end results, others potentially deemed a setback, illuminates broader conversations about community support, past experiences, and diverging perspectives.

The Uncharted Territory: A Presale Unlike Any Other

For the first time, the Splinterlands community witnessed a presale that did not meet the anticipated sell-out standard. While on the surface, this could be considered a deviation from past successes, delving deeper into the circumstances reveals a nuanced narrative that echoes the sentiments of a community grappling with past disappointments.

Community Stand: A Dual-Edged Sword

The stance taken by a segment of the community, abstaining from purchasing Rebellion packs as an expression of discontent over delayed promises, reflects a dual-edged sentiment. While it embodies a collective demand for accountability, it also exposes a disheartening undercurrent of self-interest and opportunism within certain factions.

Disappointment and Frustration: Unmasking the Greed Within

The disappointment and frustration stemming from community members who chose not to support the presale, despite historical gains extracted from the game, shed light on the complex dynamics of a decentralized ecosystem. In the pursuit of financial gain, the altruistic ethos of supporting a project that has consistently requested community backing appears compromised.

A Glass Half Full: Finding Hope in the Present

Amidst the echoes of disappointment, it is essential to recognize the potential silver lining. The Rebellion presale, while not reaching the heights of past endeavors, lays the groundwork for a future runway. This moment could serve as a recalibration—a bridge to a more balanced and sustainable model for both the Splinterlands team and its diverse community.

As the Splinterlands Rebellion pack presale concludes with a deviation from the sell-out norm, the community grapples with dual-edged sentiments. While expressing discontent, the abstention also unmasks a disheartening undercurrent of self-interest. Amidst disappointment, there lies hope—a potential bridge to a more balanced and sustainable future for both the Splinterlands team and its diverse community.

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You also need to consider other areas of impact in the current fiscal climate.

  • Crypto is trying to claw its way upwards. So, there is limited Crypto to be reinvested.
  • Splinterlands is running many projects at the same time. This impacts the availability of resources that are spread.
  • The PreSale provided no real incentive for smaller buyers. It really became a leaderboard battle to secure Titles & Promos
  • Cost of Living has impacted on the amount of disposable income that a person can drop into the game.

I would have loved to have purchased Rebellion packs. However, I have limited finances.
I do intend to buy Rebellion packs as the Conflicts idea sounds like fun.
I want to dabble in all Splinterlands things but I have to piecemeal what I can do right now.
Land is my current enjoyment & I'd love some more Gold Cards.
But a peasant can only do so much.

I think the PreSale was a success for what the Team required.
If you wanted to drip a Sellout, then they should have provided something for small buyers, who I think would have made up the shortfall.

Nice post & cool that you highlight such perspectives :)
