Splinterlands: Inevitable AirDrop

Inevitable AirDrop.png

The Splinterlands team continues to generate value by distributing new and valuable cards to existing players via AirDrops. This has continued with the latest sub edition set for Chaos Legion, Riftwatchers. The last AirDrop is finally ready after the community voted to start burning packs daily. The combination of burning and selling 500k packs finally made the new AirDrop available. This is an exciting AirDrop for the new set as they are much more scarce than originally thought due to the burn!

The new Legendary AirDrop card, Inevitable is a Monster from the Life Splinter. It is 11 mana in order to be used which is interesting as many of the new set are larger mana cards or giants. It is interesting because it is slow yet has great defensive and support abilities like triage, shield, strengthen, and repair. A game changer is that it also has immunity. It makes for an interesting tank for the Life Splinter which it seemingly lacks thus far in the meta.

My 2,800 packs no longer supposed to get me enough for a maxed version but the luck was amazing this time around! I was able to get 7 BCX which is not enough for a maxed version for my competitive set. However, the luck got me 3 Gold Foils which is my best Gold Foil pull ever! This was the best AirDrop I ever got since starting with the game. For this set, I will be good with many of the AirDrops given the amount I purchased. I had to decide how to max out my card and I opted to buy 4 regular foil instead of one gold foil given pricing and the fact that the Gold Foils will go well on my land.

The Riftwatchers AirDrops have now ended and it markets the end of an era given the news of a different approach for future AIrDrops. It may be a while to see the next one but incredible to see the value being built for all the players in the ecosystem. My Collection has continued to bloom despite the markets in the past months. With land around, I am sure that these cards continue to get more scarce and will provide more value for anyone’s collection.

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