Skill or Luck?

12 Mana Battles... You know where I stand.

My choice, if Death Monsters are on the table are the Cursed Windeku and the Undead Badger.

This is a pretty solid team, because the Cursed Windeku has the Thorns ability, allowing it to do damage back to the attacker when hit, and the Undead Badger has the Sneak ability, allowing it to target the last monster on the enemy team.

That is why I was surprised my opponent didn't choose the same strategy that I did.

In fact, my opponent chose Water monsters.


The Serpent of Eld does 3 attack and has 4 speed. It is very fast, and has increased chance of evading melee and ranged attacks.

Next in line was the Hardy Stonefish.


It can't attack from this position, but it will act as a barrier, given 1 armor and having 1 health. It will hold my Undead Badger off for a bit.

I calculated it... If my Cursed Windeku was able to make all it's hits on the Serpent of Eld, then I would've won the battle.

However, this didn't happen. In fact, I kept missing my opponent... so much, that I ended up losing the match.

See for yourself!

What do you think? Was this skill or luck?

Should I switch my strategy next time? Who would you have chosen?

Comment down below. I would love to hear your comments.
