Share Your Battle: Chaos Knight


The Share Your Battle monster this week is the Chaos Knight. It is a common Life splinter card released with the new Chaos Legion set of cards.

The card is very similar to the Silvershield Paladin from the Beta edition of cards. The Chaos Knight is essentially the modern version of it. They are both medium mana tanks with the Shield ability. This means that melee and ranged attacks have reduced attacks against them. In addition, they also have a lot of shielding.

The main difference between them is that the Chaos Knight has a stronger Melee attack as opposed to the Silvershield Paladin which has more health. But purchasing a Chaos Knight is an opportunity for players who do not already own the more expensive and out of print Silvershield Paladin.

It definitely will take a while for Melee and Ranged attack monsters to defeat the Chaos Knight. So, it’s most obvious use case is for a battle with the ‘No magic attackers may be used’ ruleset.

However, I decided to showcase it in a 'Standard: No Modification to the gameplay' ruleset. This battle has just 14 mana allowed.

Here is a link to the battle:

I of course used the Chaos Knight as my tank. For small mana matches, often my strategy is to go after my opponent’s backfield. In my backfield I place one monster with Sneak and another with Opportunity. I have to hope that my opponent does not use much magic and my Chaos Knight will last a long time. This will ensure my backfield monsters plenty of time to do their thing. To thwart or at least slow down a possible backfield attack by my opponent, I have placed a couple 0 mana monsters in my backfield.

I have used the Mother Khala summoner which adds one health rather one to ranged attacks since I do not have any ranged attack monsters anyway. Saving one mana on the summoner is also precious in a small mana match like this.

Start of Game / Round 1

My opponent has used the Cursed Windeku as their tank which has Thorns. Good thing the Chaos Knight has the Shield ability which reduces the damage from Thorns. My opponent does not have any magic attack monsters targeting my tank, however they do have a sniper with magic attack.

Round 2

During the first round, I defeated my opponents magic attack sniper and Furious chicken. Meanwhile, I lost only my Furious Chicken.

Round 3

The battle is close to over at this point as the Cursed Windeku is my opponent’s sole monster remaining.

Overall my strategy worked for this battle. My opponent did not have a strong magic attack against my Chaos Knight and it also successfully reduced the extra damage dealt by the Thorns of the Cursed Windeku. My backfield attackers were able to defeat my opponent’s magic sniper before it could defeat all my backfield monsters and then start attacking my tank.

I probably will not purchase the Chaos Knight card since I would only use it in very specific circumstances. With the Life Splinter I usually try to use tanks with high health so I can best make use of the quality tank healers available to the Splinter.

Keep Battling
