Splintershards! What is Going On?!?


After staking this morning...

This Morning...

I was thinking when I woke up this morning that I needed to write a Hive post today, no matter what, but I really had no idea what to write about. I had taken a good panoramic photo the other day, and I knew I wanted to post it to DLux, but I needed some REAL content to blog about, so to speak. Then I began my regular daily staking routine, and I noticed that my Splinterlands Splintershards balance had been steadily going down for a while, even though I had been staking everything I had almost daily since the beginning of the airdrop. I thought to myself, "What is going on with this?" Before I began to consider the limited economics that I do know. I mean, more is getting dropped, so it makes sense that the price is dropping somewhat, I suppose, or it may have something to do with the "tokenomics" of the whole ecosystem. You see, I simply do not know...

The original Reddit "HODL" post...

And That Is My Point!

You see, I am a lot like the original Reddit poster that "developed" the term "HODL." My investment strategy is this, buy good projects that I like, for whatever reason, and HODL them. I am not a "trader," and I cannot read charts. I would like to, but for me, thinking about money all the time is just not in my make-up. To me, money is simply a tool that allows me to have experiences in this life, not an end all be all. I am older, and I see the world is changing, and because of this, it is just smart to invest in crypto, in any way I can, and wait. That is my opinion, anyway. Now, this does not mean I just invest and ignore, I also watch what is going on with my investments, and that is why I am writing this. Some people would see that SPS going down and would sell, sell, sell, but not me. I know what Splinterlands has become, and I know what Hive is made of, and you better believe that as for me, I will HODL. That is how I got myself eligible for the recent VYB airdrop...

Recently, I made the prediction on Twitter that Hive would drop to around $1.50 after it hit $3, and then would go up to about $5. As of right now, it is at $1.34, which is close enough for me. I guess let's see if we hit $5 any time soon, shall we? Maybe I am not the best at reading charts, but I do seem to be ok at reading trends...

As Always, Thank You For Reading!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I made the prediction on Twitter that Hive would drop to around $1.50 after it hit $3, and then would go up to about $5.

I hope you will be right about this! :)

And regarding SPS, there is a sense that it's going down, but in my personal opinion, it's just a matter of a day when it will switch... Every new day of the airdrop is one step closer to that... ;)

Keep on HODLing! :)


I am looking very forward to seeing what happens when they drop the "land" aspect of the game. That is when more will be known, in my opinion. To me, it would be foolish to even consider selling now. As for Hive, it is coming. With all the "metaverse" talk, someone big will notice Hive eventually and want in. The question is, will the devs keep it from becoming another Justin Sun type of thing. I do not know enough about any of that other than to know a little about what happened. I am hoping Hive now has safeguards to prevent that type of thing again.


Plus airdrop will stop, tokens come rare, plus I love an early relase


I !LUV to see your prediction about hive, and stacking SPS is good idea for splinterlands lands airdrop as well as collect for token for pre-sell chaos pack. But the price of SPS is gradually down and i have made decision for buying more SPS instead of selling. I think the boost up time for hive price is over, and its time for steady at price what it grab. Let's see what coming up next.


I agree, I do not think Hive will ever see less than a dollar again...
