Completing Fourth Quest with Earth Splinter. Reward: 10 CREDITS.


What's up hivers?


This is my gameplay of completing my fourth quest with earth splinter in splinterlands and getting 10 Credits as reward. I recorded the gameplay and exported it in Youtube.

Battle: Quest

I started playing and I've finished my fourth quest with lyanna's call and the objective was to win five ranked battles with the earth splinter and I've won five battles with the earth splinter.

Step 1: Choosing Summoner

My Summoner: I chose Obsidian as summoner from earth splinter. This is a RARE Earth Summoner of Chaos Legion edition.

Enemy's Summoners: I got 5 enemy teams with General Sloan, Contessa L'ament, Mother Khala, Kelya Frendul, Drake of Arnak as their summoner.

Step 2: Choosing Monsters

My Monsters

I chose Venari knifer, Khmer princess, Goblin psychic, Regal peryton, Xenith archer, Hill giant, Elven mystic in all five battles.

Enemy's Monsters:
My enemy teams chose Chaos knight, Celestial Harpy, Truthspeaker. Time mage, Herbalist, Xenith Archer, Crypt beetle, Death Elemental, Life sapper, Soul Strangler, Dark Astronomer, Mantoid, Gargoya scrapper, Stitch Leech, Serpent of Eld, Ice Pixie. Venari wavesmith, Angelic mandarin, Kulu swimhunter, Living lava, Serpentine spy, Spark pixies, Fire elemental for all five battles.

Battle 01: Earth VS Life - Battle Link, 5 Monsters VS 6 Monsters


Step 2: Choosing Monsters
My Monsters VS Enemy's Monsters


Step 03: Positioning
My Positioning: Total mana for the battle was 23. First I chose the summoner that wastes 4 mana. I had 19 mana left to use. Then I chose Venari Knifer for the 1st place that wastes 6 mana. I had 13 mana left to use. Then I chose Khmer princess for the 2nd place wastes 2 mana. I had now 11 mana left to use. Then I chose Goblin psychic at the 3rd that wastes 6 mana. I had now 5 mana left to use. Then I chose Regal Peryton at the 4th place that wastes 5 mana. There I've used all the mana but still there were 2 slot left but I had nothing to do with that.

My Enemy Team's Positioning: After choosing General Sloan as summoner that wastes 4 mana, my enemy team then chose Chaos Knight for the 1st place wastes 6 mana. My enemy had 13 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Celestial Harpy for the 2nd place that wastes 2 mana only. My enemy had 11 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Truthspeaker for the 3rd place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 8 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Time Mage for the 4th place that wastes 4 mana. My enemy had 4 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Herbalist for the 5th place that wastes 2 mana. My enemy had 2 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Xenith Archer for the 6th place that wastes 2 mana. There my enemy team has used all the mana and all the slots.

Combat: Friendly team first attacked enemy team. Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Chaos knight of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Time Mage of enemy team attacked with 1 magic attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Venari Knifer of friendly team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Chaos knight of enemy team lost 1 armor. Then Celestial Harpy of enemy team attacked with 1 melee attack and Khmer Princess of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Chaos Knight of enemy team attacked with 2 melee attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 2 health and then Venari knifer of friendly team took help from its THORNS ability and Chaos Knight of my enemy team lost 1 armor. Then Khmer Princess of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Chaos knight of enemy team lost last 2 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Venari Knifer of friendly team got 2 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Celestial Harpy of enemy team lost the entire health. Then Xenith Archer of enemy team attacked with 1 melee attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Herbalist of enemy team attacked with 1 melee attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Time Mage of enemy team attacked with 1 magic attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Truthspeaker of enemy team lost last health. Then Venari Knifer of friendly team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Time Mage of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Khmer Princess of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Time Mage of enemy team lost last health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Venari Knifer of friendly team got 2 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Herbalist of enemy team lost the entire health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Xenith Archer of enemy team lost last health. My enemy team lost the battle at round 3.

Battle 02: Earth VS Death - Battle Link, 5 Monster VS 6 Monsters


Step 2: Choosing Monsters
My Monsters VS Enemy's Monsters


Step 03: Positioning
My Positioning: Total mana for the battle was 25. First I chose the summoner that wastes 4 mana. I had 21 mana left to use. Then I chose Venari Knifer for the 1st place that wastes 6 mana. I had 15 mana left to use. Then I chose Khmer princess for the 2nd place wastes 2 mana. I had now 13 mana left to use. Then I chose Goblin psychic at the 3rd that wastes 6 mana. I had now 7 mana left to use. Then I chose Regal Peryton at the 4th place that wastes 5 mana. I had now 2 mana left to use. Then I chose Xenith Archer at the 5th place that wastes 2 mana. There I've used all the mana but still there were 1 slots left but I had nothing to do with that.

My Enemy Team's Positioning: After choosing a summoner that wastes 3 mana, my enemy team then chose Crypt Beetle for the 1st place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 19 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Death Elemental for the 2nd place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 16 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Life Sapper for the 3rd place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 13 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Soul Strangler for the 4th place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 10 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Dark Astronomer for the 5th place that wastes 4 mana. My enemy had 6 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Mantoid for the 6th place that wastes 6 mana. There my enemy team has used all the mana and all the slots.

Combat: Friendly team first attacked enemy team. Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Crypt Beetle of enemy team lost entire health. Then Venari Knifer of friendly team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Death Elemental of enemy team lost entire health. Then Life Sapper of enemy team attacked with 1 magic attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health and then Life Sapper of enemy team took help from its LIFE LEECH ability and gained 1 health. Then Soul Strangler of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 2 health. Then Mantoid of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attack and Khmer Princess of friendly team lost entire health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Venari Knifer of friendly team got 2 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Life Sapper of enemy team lost the entire health. Then Xenith Archer of friendly team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Soul Strangler of enemy team lost 1 health. Then Dark Astronomer of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attack and missed the attack. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Soul Strangler of enemy team lost last health. Then Venari Knifer of friendly team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Dark Astronomer of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Mantoid of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attack and Goblin Psychic of friendly team lost 3 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Venari Knifer of friendly team got 1 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Dark Astronomer of enemy team lost last 2 health. Then Xenith Archer of friendly team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Mantoid of enemy team lost 1 health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Mantoid of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Venari Knifer of friendly team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Mantoid of enemy team lost last 2 health. My enemy team lost the battle at round 3.

Battle 03: Earth VS Life - Battle Link, 3 Monster VS 5 Monsters


Step 2: Choosing Monsters
My Monsters VS Enemy's Monsters


Step 03: Positioning
My Positioning: Total mana for the battle was 14. First I chose the summoner that wastes 4 mana. I had 10 mana left to use. Then I chose Hill Giant for the 1st place that wastes 3 mana. I had 7 mana left to use. Then I chose Regal Peryton at the 2nd place that wastes 5 mana. I had now 2 mana left to use. Then I chose Khmer princess for the 3rd place wastes 2 mana. There I've used all the mana but still there were 3 slots left but I had nothing to do with that.

My Enemy Team's Positioning: After choosing a summoner that wastes 3 mana, my enemy team then chose Gargoya Scrapper for the 1st place that wastes 1 mana. My enemy had 10 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Stitch Leech for the 2nd place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 7 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Truthspeaker for the 3rd place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 4 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Herbalist for the 4th place that wastes 2 mana. My enemy had 2 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Xenith Archer for the 5th place that wastes 2 mana. There my enemy team has used all the mana and there was 1 slot left but my enemy had nothing to do with that.

Combat: Friendly team first attacked enemy team. Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Gargoya Scrapper of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Gargoya Scrapper of enemy team attacked with 1 melee attack and Giant Hill of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Khmer Princess of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Gargoya Scrapper of enemy team lost last health. Then Xenith Archer of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Giant Hill of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Herbalist of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Giant Hill of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Giant Hill of friendly team attacked with 1 melee attack and Stich Leech of enemy team lost 1 armor. Then Stich Leech of enemy team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Giant Hill of friendly team lost 2 health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Stitch Leech of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Khmer Princess of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Stitch Leech of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Xenith Archer of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Giant Hill of friendly team lost last health. Then Herbalist of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Regal Peryton of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Truthspeaker of enemy team lost entire health. Then Khmer Princess of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Herbalist of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Xenith Archer of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Regal Peryton of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Herbalist of enemy team lost last health. Then Khmer Princess of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Xenith Archer of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Xenith Archer of enemy team lost last health. My enemy team lost the battle at round 5.

Battle 04: Earth VS Water - Battle Link, 5 Monster VS 6 Monsters


Step 2: Choosing Monsters
My Monsters VS Enemy's Monsters


Step 03: Positioning
My Positioning: Total mana for the battle was 27. First I chose the summoner that wastes 4 mana. I had 23 mana left to use. Then I chose Venari Knifer for the 1st place that wastes 6 mana. I had 17 mana left to use. Then I chose Khmer princess for the 2nd place wastes 2 mana. I had 15 mana left to use. Then I chose Regal Peryton at the 3rd place that wastes 5 mana. I had now 10 mana left to use. Then I chose Goblin Psychic at the 4th place that wastes 6 mana. I had now 4 mana left to use. Then I chose Elven Mystic at the 5th place that wastes 4 mana. There I've used all the mana but still there were 1 slot left but I had nothing to do with that.

My Enemy Team's Positioning: After choosing a summoner that wastes 4 mana, my enemy team then chose Serpent of Eld for the 1st place that wastes 7 mana. My enemy had 16 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Ice Pixie for the 2nd place that wastes 2 mana. My enemy had 14 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Venari Wavesmith for the 3rd place that wastes 5 mana. My enemy had 9 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Xenith Archer for the 4th place that wastes 2 mana. My enemy had 7 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Angelic Mandarin for the 5th place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 4 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Kulu Swimhunter for the 6th place that wastes 5 mana. There my enemy team has used all the mana and all the slots.

Combat: Friendly team first attacked enemy team. Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Serpent of Eld of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Serpent of Eld of enemy team attacked with 3 melee attacks and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 3 health and then Venari Knifer of friendly team got help from its THORNS ability and Serpent of Eld of enemy team lost 2 armor. Then Ice Pixie of enemy team attacked with 1 magic attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Venari Knifer of friendly team attacked with 2 melee attacks and missed the attack. Then Venari Wavesmith of enemy team attacked with 1 magic attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Angelic Mandarin of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Kulu Swimhunter of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attack and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost last health. Then Elven Mystic of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Serpent of Eld of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Xenith Archer of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Khmer Princess of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Khmer Princess of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Serpent of Eld of enemy team lost last health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Khmer Princess of friendly team got 1 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Ice Pixie of enemy team lost last health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Venari Wavesmith of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Venari Wavesmith of enemy team attacked with 1 magic attack and Khmer Princess of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Angelic Mandarin of enemy team attacked with 1 ranged attack and Khmer Princess of friendly team lost last health. Then Kulu Swimhunter of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attack and Regal Peryton of friendly team lost 2 health. Then Elven Mystic of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Venari Wavesmith of enemy team lost last health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Regal Peryton of friendly team got 2 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Xenith Archer of enemy team lost the entire health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Angelic Mandarin of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Kulu Swimhunter of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attack and Regal Peryton of friendly team lost 2 health. Then Elven Mystic of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Angelic Mandarin of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Regal Peryton of friendly team got 2 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Angelic Mandarin of enemy team lost the entire health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Kulu Swimhunter of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Elven Mystic of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Kulu Swimhunter of enemy team lost last 2 health. My enemy team lost the battle at round 4.

Battle 05: Earth VS Dragon/Fire - Battle Link, 4 Monster VS 4 Monsters


Step 2: Choosing Monsters
My Monsters VS Enemy's Monsters


Step 03: Positioning
My Positioning: Total mana for the battle was 23. First I chose the summoner that wastes 4 mana. I had 19 mana left to use. Then I chose Venari Knifer for the 1st place that wastes 6 mana. I had 13 mana left to use. Then I chose Khmer princess for the 2nd place wastes 2 mana. I had 11 mana left to use. Then I chose Goblin Psychic at the 3rd place that wastes 6 mana. I had now 5 mana left to use. Then I chose Regal Peryton at the 4th place that wastes 5 mana. There I've used all the mana but still there were 2 slots left but I had nothing to do with that.

My Enemy Team's Positioning: After choosing a summoner that wastes 4 mana, my enemy team then chose Living Lava for the 1st place that wastes 7 mana. My enemy had 12 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Serpentine Spy for the 2nd place that wastes 3 mana. My enemy had 9 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Spark Pixies for the 3rd place that wastes 4 mana. My enemy had 5 mana left to use. Then my enemy team chose Fire Elemental for the 4th place that wastes 5 mana. There my enemy team has used all the mana but still there were 2 slots left but my enemy team had nothing to do with that.

Combat: Friendly team first attacked enemy team. Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Living Lava of enemy team lost 2 health. Then Spark Pixies of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attacks and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 2 health. Then Fire Elemental of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attacks and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 2 health and then Fire Elemental of enemy team took help from its BLAST ability and Khmer Princess of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Venari Knifer of friendly team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Living Lava of enemy team lost 1 armor. Then Serpentine Spy of enemy team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Khmer Princess of friendly team lost last health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team took help from its TANK HEAL ability and Venari Knifer of friendly team got 3 health. Then Goblin Psychic of friendly team attacked with 3 magic attacks and Living Lava of enemy team lost 3 health. Then Living Lava of enemy team attacked with 3 melee attacks and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost 3 health and then Venari Knifer of friendly team took help from its THORNS ability and Living Lava of enemy team lost 1 armor. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Living Lava of enemy team lost last health. Then Spark Pixies of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attacks and Venari Knifer of friendly team lost last health. Then Fire Elemental of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attacks and Goblin Psychic of friendly team lost 2 health and then Fire Elemental of enemy team took help from its BLAST ability and Regal Peryton of friendly team lost 1 health. Then Serpentine Spy of enemy team attacked with 2 melee attacks and Goblin Psychic of friendly team lost last health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Serpentine Spy of enemy team lost last health. Then Fire Elemental of enemy team attacked with 2 ranged attacks and Regal Peryton of friendly team lost 2 health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Spark Pixies of enemy team lost last health. Then Regal Peryton of friendly team attacked with 2 magic attacks and Fire Elemental of enemy team lost entire health. My enemy team lost the battle at round 5.

After completing the quest winning five battles using the earth splinter, I got reward: 10 CREDITS.

-End of the post-
