Caution for Eastern Players


Hello splinterfriends this season seems to be a hard time for people like me playing splinterlands from the far east
They said that only us are affected by the connectivity issues in the game so we have to endure my friends here are some things to do and not to do while waiting for the game to be fixed
1.Try using VNP
2.Play in mobile app(works but still fail sometimes you just need to reboot the app fast to get back without being disqualified for not placing a team giving you an auto lose)
3.As much as posible avoid doing $ transactions as they have a high chance of failing for now(But can still be fixed by reporting the failed transaction) and if you add credits wait as long as possible to finish the transanction sometimes it also fail because you are in a hurry like refreshing in the middle of the transaction
Thanks for reading till next time remmember fliping out coz you lost does not help so stay calm learn from your loss^^
