An Experiment - Silver Vs Bronze Rewards


I normally play in wild, but noticed the SPS rewards in Silver Wild have dropped significantly since the update, and I keep losing in Gold. So I tried pumping through from 0 rating to silver and see how the rewards were

Bronze Rewards

I was a rating of about 1000, on a big win streak, and I managed to win in Bronze league. I won 1034 RP, but 0.074SPS. Not bad for a bronze league I thought, I was getting excited about what silver may bring, playing modern is rewarding.

Silver Rewards

So my next match I advanced to silver, expecting a pickup in rewards, but to my surprise, the rewards dropped substantially. I won 1099 RP, which means I have roughly the same modifiers as the previous match, but substantially less SPS, at 0.017.

Why lower rewards for silver?

two reason I think this happens

  1. Now that rewards are split into leagues I am the lowest rating in that league so I get a much smaller portion of that league's rewards
  2. There are more players in Modern silver than any other league, so I have to share the rewards amongst a big number of players.

So what am I going to do about it?

I don't know if I should go back to paying wild, and try to stay in gold league or push ahead with modern into the gold leagues, its definitely better not to split my ECR between two leagues I think, so its better to make the choice. If anyone has some thoughts let me know in the comments!
