My (re)introduction in to the Hive community

Hello everyone! The title of this post needs some explaining, because I'm not new to Hive, and yet I am... I've been her for just over three years now and like many others, I discovered Hive as a splinterlands player.
Back in August 2021, I started playing splinterlands and my Hive account was created because of this, since then I'm a daily player and what started as just a game I was playing among other games, everything else died or I got bored with while splinterlands became a part of my life with everything there is to do with it, a year later I started blogging about it and participating in the challenges to generate a little extra income and with it, build my account.
But enough about splinterlands because that's not the subject of this post 😁

Doing better
So yesterday while I was driving a total of 370km for work (more on that later) I had a lot of time to kill and I like to listen to podcasts or youtube videos.
Yesterday, I was listening to @thepeoplesguild podcast with @azircon and while it is a splinterlands podcast, today's subject was Hive, and how everything works and Azircon explained things perfectly, thanks for that and also to BJ and Jimmy for making the podcast to make me aware.
Azircon explained the Hive community and the Splinterlands community lived like neighbors who didn't knew each other and that's pretty much what it is, and it wasn't intentional on my part so now I want to do better and am actually excited to make a new start.
In the past I tried to make a couple of posts on Hive but back then I was still discovering crypto as a whole and had so much games and different things going on I wasn't dedicated enough for Hive I guess, well at least I learned a thing or two making my splinterlands blogs I can use!
Introduction part two
While I already did my introduction three years ago it wasn't that detailed and didn't contain any picture whatsoever to make reading a nice experience, so let's just start again - in splinterlands we have a 'born again' ruleset so let's make this my rebirth! 😁
So, I already made a post about this subject on X and Inleo but I didn't get any answers, I had some questions regarding this, one of the questions was 'should I made another introduction' and well... I decided to just start somewhere and this seemed like a good start.
@traciyork @lovesniper needed to be tagged for introduction posts as I recall correctly, my other questions I've got answered by just reading and searching on Hive 🙂
It's me!

Yep, this is me in front of a Sherman tank in Normandy, France but this was on a holiday trip, I live in The Netherlands, a small country in the north western part of Europe but probably not that well known to people at the other side of the world, maybe only by name.

I'm known as nozem on most web3 related things, it has been my nickname since I was 17 years old, and it means something like a mischievous boy in my language but it's been a LONG time since I was 17, I'm 43 years old so the name doesn't really fit me anymore but some things are hard to change.
so I'm nozem on hive (it's my alt account on splinterlands while I'm posting with my main, nozem01) but I'm also known as Ne9eN on other platforms.
'negen' means the number 9 in my language, and it has been my lucky number as a child, and a reference to my favorite TV characters, Seven of Nine from Star Trek - Voyager (yes, I'm a Star Trek nerd 😆) and Neagan from The Walking Dead.
So, as I already said, I'm 43 years old, I have a wife and am still happily married after 16 years, together we have two daughters aged 11 and 12, one of them is @stella16, she also is a little active here using @actifit and maybe when she grows a bit older and gets better in English I can introduce her to the vast world of Hive and share the things I've learned from here on until then. 😍
I like crypto in general, bitcoin in special, I've been slowly buying bitcoin since 2019 when I discovered the wonderful world of crypto and went down the rabbit hole and I've been also saving bitcoin for my daughters so they hopefully can have a good start when they are grown-ups.
The other things I like to do when I'm not in front of my PC is walking, mostly with my oldest daughter. On our walking trips we talk about everything so it's a nice way to keep in touch with her, while enjoying the nature or the city, depending where we walk to.
While walking, I'm collecting cans and bottles for the deposit money I use to buy SPS with, the native crypto token in the splinterverse, it has become a fun little extra and a win-win, my SPS bag gets bigger while I clean my neighbourhood #cleanearth! 🙂
I liked to run too but because of a returning foot injury I had to stop with that, sometimes it's just not meant to be I guess. We sometimes go on a cycling or inline skating trip too, so in general, you can say we like being active. 🙂

This picture was taken while climbing the rocks close to a waterfall in Clairvaux les lacs in France on our holiday, we like the northern part of France, it's beautiful there and the weather is not too hot, the French language is hard to learn for us though as it is a completely different language, which brings me on the next subject - as you might have noticed English isn't my native language, and while it suits me a lot better than French because it's the same kind of language as Dutch I will undoubtedly make a lot of small or big mistakes in my posts, sorry for that and please correct me if I make big mistakes so I can learn to do better! 😄
On my day job I'm a service and installation engineer in security and safety, and because of the discretion that is required of me, I can't go in to detail too much. I work 4 days a week for a total of 36 hours, plus a little overtime in most cases, Thursday is my regular day off I use to relax and spend some extra time with my family and write posts on Hive as well as everything that needs to be done in the house, DIY and household chores because it's not fair to let my wife do everything on her own. As an engineer I can do most jobs in the house myself, I like doing this and it saves a lot of money too!
Please help me get started
So, because I'm new but not really please let me know what I can improve and where I should start, what tags I can use best and what communities I should look at.
I think this is a way better introduction than the one I made three years ago, we are all learning! 😇
It really is like @Azircon said in the podcast, my environment is pretty normal to me - my country has no hills whatsoever and is heavily populated without any large rural areas, I like to see how people on the other side of the world live their lives and how it differs from mine, but this is a double edged sword of course because the same goes for the people living there.
Start saving my bag of HP
With this knowledge, I plan to start to make more posts here on Hive from now on - and for the last three years I've been on here but didn't contribute at all except for being active in Actifit I'm saying sorry - I will do better from now on and have stopped powering down to 100% fund my Splinterlands account, with the knowledge I have now I think we can be stronger together and I want to contribute to that.
Together, we rise! Or like Splinterlands players like to say - VONAK!
Hey @nozem01 !
Awesome 're-introduction' into Hive with this post, man.
Glad to see that Az was able to inspire some movement amongst us to work towards a stronger community - greater than all "borders" within Hive.
Very cool.
I look forward to the next one - thanks for calling this out!
Hey, thank you! I'm already looking forward to your next podcast man, I've got way more long distance drives than good podcasts to listen to 😆
Sweet! Tune in later this week for another episode :) We'll have @bronzedragon comin on the show!
Hi there @nozem01 it's great to see more Splinterland players venture into the wider Hive ecosystem. There's pretty much a community for every topic on Hive, you can search here by keywords or go through the list to see what interests you.
If you want to start expanding your network, this will be a good place to get to know more of your fellow country man/woman
And finally, don't worry too much about your English. Hive is a global social platform and English isn't most people's first language. We don't expect perfect English and there is certainly no need to use any apps or sites to help you polish your English (please don't do that as it could make your content fake). Just original content and be yourself will be fine.
Good luck
Thank you for your kind reply and tips, I will definitely look into them, I already found some cool communities to scroll trough like Travel and Homesteading
I too am a Splinterlands player, an Actifitter, and was very close in age to you, so I felt very close to your re-introduction post😊
You are right, there are many people in my country who play Splinterlands but don't post at all (or don't know they can post).
I hope that Splinterlands will encourage more people to join the Hive community!
Cool! I don't think there are a lot of female Splinterlands players, or I just could be totally mistaken, the game is very very small in my country, I know of only a handful of them.
I followed you, I like to read peoples posts in other places in the world 😀
Good to know about you a bit. We know Netherlands quite well, although I have never been there. A bit of personal touch on your actifit posts will be beneficial just like this one. Remember to respond to every single comment to improve networking.
Yeah we're pretty far from each other! How do you know The Netherlands? I try to make my actifit posts look nice with some pictures on days I've been to nice places, work days can sometimes be very standard though :)
Thanks for the tip! I made a few followers and I followed some people since my post :)
Lots of hobby painters in the family. Vincent Van Gogh.. Also many other references. The Flying Dutchman! ;)
Yes once, they were really strong for such a small country, having mighty ships that sailed all over the world, one of them is rebuilt and on display in Amsterdam, so pretty.
I'm not really in to art myself but the old big artists really had talent
I was hive before splinterlands but it's great how your hive account opens up so many different aspects of web3.
The more people that can find their way here and start building crypto stacks the better. Bitcoin is going to be key and few good alts to go with it for some nice gains.
All i can say is to find your community on here, follow a few good people that are going to stick it out for the long haul and it's always fun to follow their crypto adventures and discover new things.
Thanks! yes as a Splinterlands player I'm also posting outside of hive and hopefully bring new players in, it's good for both hive and splinterlands :D
I totally agree, bitcoin will be very big - it's why I also save it for my kids
Hey tejeré! Welcome to the blogging world! I hope you like it and stay for long! I it seems that you have a lot to stories to share!
thank you! I'll do my best :)
welcome and good luck with your posts. you have a great start here :LOLZ
@tipu curate
Sorry, please curate posts not older than 1 day.