Splinterlands Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge - Chaos Knight



The Chaos Knight is a new Chaos Legion card that has the shield ability to reduce the damage it receives from Melee and Range attacks. It is quite expensive in terms of Mana costs at 6 mana but it can be useful when faced against non-magic opponents.

The Rules and My Lineup

Aim True, Even Stevens - 24 Mana Cap


Given the Aim True rule, I expected my opponent to not use magic an instead use melee and range attacks more. That would mean that the Chaos Knight with its shield, would be able to negate the attacks of my opponent somewhat.

Summoner: General Sloan to give my range attackers a +1 boost
Position 1: Chaos Knight to absorb melee and range attacks from my opponent
Position 2: Furious Chicken to give my range attackers some breathing space
Position 3: Pelacor Arbalest to take advantage of General Sloan's boost with a double strike as well
Position 4: Prismologist to do extra damage with explosion in conjunction with General Sloan's boost

Was my strategy effective?

Yes, it was very effective even though I didn't expect my opponent to use a monster with 3 magic attack after his summoner boost. What was really effective was the heavy non-magic attack to take out my opponent's front two cards.

The Chaos Knight was then able to withstand the attack of the Goblin Thief - taking only one damage to its shield in the process.

At the start of the second round, my Prismologist killed of my opponent's Goblin Thief with heavy damage and then my opponent was down to his last card. The Pelacor Arbelest then finished off the job with 3 range damage.

You can see a replay of the battle at this link.

What would I do differently?

My battle plan worked out perfectly in my opinion with my opponent not having much of an answer for my non-magic damage. It is clear that he was expecting magic damage given his use of monsters with the reflect and void ability at the front. That said, it is impossible to predict what your opponent does in advance so we can only savor the moments when our strategy works out perfectly.

Thoughts on the Chaos Knight

As much as I like the Chaos Knight, it is hard to use a card with 4 health at the front given how magic damage can bypass its shield. In rulesets where there is no magic or weak magic, I think the Chaos Knight is a good candidate. Otherwise, I'd rather use the Shieldbearer as it is more versatile in terms of the health and shield balance.
