Ideas on representation for Splinterlands DAO Community Leadership Panel


With the new Community Leadership Panel, the Splinterlands community has a new challenge for our collective wisdom. We have a broad and diverse ecosystem, with many points of view. How do we ensure that we feel represented?

Community Leaders represent different parts of the Community

There's a lot of discussion around how to weigh votes and choose people. And the problem is there are too many ways to measure. As a starting point, I liked this idea that @schneegecko started, but I would modify it, read on...

schneegecko — Today at 4:54 AM
5 community leaders is a good odd number for a little team that works well from my perspective, adding the SL team members to it and we are still under 10 people, wouldn't blow it up further for now

I don't prefer a weighted voting system based on staked SPS power, because having staked alot of SPS doesn't necessarily mean they are active in the community, although its not an equal vote then imho, e. g. in real world elections your vote isn't worth more because you're a millionaire (at least in theory) or less because you're poor

I go with the concept of not selecting all 5 community leaders in the same way.
Hm, top guilds, how would you define them, combined staked sps, land ownage, ranking, brawl & tournament winrate, member quantity? Difficult.

as this is called community council I'd prefer a split with focus on the biggest community areas for selecting community leaders:

  • one gets voted via a general popularity vote based on his/her activity in splinterlands universe
  • four get elected via regional votes to represent each huge regional community

{via discord}

So here's what I'm thinking. Is geographic distribution really the primary difference in perspective that we want to aim for? Are players in Asia really that different from players in South America? It seems we have the biggest challenges to balance the perspectives of players with different types of footprints in the ecosystem - ranked, tournaments, guilds, land, tokenomics, etc etc.

What if Community Leaders were selected to represent a particular element of the ecosystem?

Here's my suggestion on 5 seats with mandates to represent most of the major elements of the game:

  • A seat with a mandate to represent the community at large, voted through Discord accounts that have been verified through the Splinterlands registration bot mechanism.
  • A seat representing the main aspects of core ranked gameplay, including new players. Voted based on owning a spellbook (maybe set a minimum but very achievable level of staked SPS to weed out some uninvested bots)
  • a seat representing Land owners and the land expansion (vote power = claimed land holdings)
  • a seat for guilds (one guild, one vote, perhaps vote power = guild level to account for the guilds that represent more members, without creating dominant "whale" voting positions.)
  • a seat for the tokenomics. This could be simple staked SPS for lack of a better measure.


I would suggest we have the candidates for Community Leader announce candidacy for a particular seat. And make rolling 1 year terms.

Why not simply have everything based on staked SPS?

I voting based on staked SPS, since in my view ultimately SPS holders have representation and ultimate governance via voting power over any proposal anyways. And since the Community Leaders don't have executive authority, then SPS Holders continue to have complete governance authority - if we concentrate the "nomination and selection" process by using Staked SPS, then reaffirm it by the same measure, then Community Leaders are really not representative of the Community, just of the largest SPS holders.

What do you think?

Chime in - it's democracy in action :)


yes players more stake SPS vote is more bigger


Thanks @oadissin for the reblog! I'd love to hear YOUR thoughts... what would you like to see from your Community Leaders?
