Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Astral Entity Melee Vs. Magic

Hello everyone! This is my second entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Modern Diamond Ranked


I fought an interesting battle where we both played Astral Entity but with very different teams.


Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_45efcff558fa56f9fbbe981a561e9a9b


This game has the following rule sets: Up to Eleven, Broken Arrows, and Super Sneak. With Super Sneak I thought that playing Astral Entity and Dumacke Orc or Ever-Hungry Skull in the back was a great idea. We both had the same thought but I opted for the first and they opted for the latter. I knew I wanted Mantaroth in there because of everything it provides: 2 attacks, Shield, Repair, Blast, and True Strike. I also thought about the combination of Skok Duskblight, Will-o-Wisp, and Riftwing. However, my Skok is only at level 3 and that wouldn't leave me with enough mana for Mantaroth plus one of the 2 monsters I talked about first. I decided to go with Xenith Monk at the front for some magic protection. Cursed Windeku in the second position since it's such a great card. Doctor Blight is also fantastic and gives me some magic attack plus Poison and Affliction. I had 2 mana left and went with Venator Kinjo for some speed control. They went with Wily Coyotian as their tank, placed the Skull in the back and the Weapons Training combination in the middle of the team. They also had Cabalist in the second position.


I missed some attacks on the Skull, which is expected because of Flying and Dodge. My Monk died in round 1 but came back and their Riftwing died the first time after some Magic Reflect and Blast damage. My Monk quickly died the second time but I was also able to make them use their second Resurrect on the Riftwing instead of the Skull thanks to Mantaroth's Blast. Their Skull died to Thorns and my Orc didn't miss Riftwing, which was pretty good for me considering the Flying, Dodge, and speed difference. In round 3, I lost Cursed Windeku but was able to take out Wily and Skok, leaving them with just 2 monsters. In the final round, they killed my Venator Kinjo but there was nothing they could do anymore as my Mantaroth dealt a lot of damage while Doctor Blight had a lot of health.


What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io


Happy start of the weekend,
I hope you get many rewards throughout your journey in the battle ranking section.
How did you find the latest Battle mage secret?
Nice proposition of warriors combo in your lineup
Thank you
