Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Speed is King

Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Modern Diamond Ranked


I fought an interesting battle where speed was the key to winning the game.


Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_1f3803193d3f16929b784ee73b1a87d3


This game has the following rule sets: Maneuvers, Lost Magic, and Born Again. Without magic attacks, I thought the armor from Arkemis and the shield from Mantaroth would be pretty good. I played those 2 alongside Jacek for the extra speed. I went with Ash Mirage for the Headwinds and Countess Sinash for the extra speed. I wanted SUpply Runner for more speed advantage but the 1 mana monsters didn't have a place anywhere on this team. So, I changed to a 5-mana monster Blood Seeker, and used the 2 mana left for Venator Kinjo, which also played a part in speed control. They went with the soulbound dragon summoner so they could play Katrelba Gobson. That's a good strategy with Born Again. Monsters getting revived with 1 health is great for Bloodlust. They used Mantaroth and Carnage Titan, ignoring the Reach from the rule set. They had Coeurl Lurker in the back, probably to defend against a possible opposing Katrelba Gobson and any Sneak or Opportunity monsters. They also had Vruz, which is a great card in Born Again. Finally, with the mana they had left, they opted for Dhampir Infiltrator.


I killed both their Sneak monsters before they could attack, which wasn't necessarily bad for Vruz. However, the speed difference made Katrelba miss both attacks and Titan miss one. Next round, I killed both their Sneakers again, this time for good. I also killed their Mantaroth and my Arkemis had 11 speed after Enrage was active. Katrelba hit one attack but it was too late to do anything. Round 3 ended with them having only Carnage Titan (who died once already) and Lurker and the game ended in round 4, without me losing a single monster.


What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io
