Two Daily Rewards


1 GF rare, 23 commons, 4 SPS, and 68 potions.

A GF summoner is great. Too bad it's just 1 copy. I already have the regular max version maxed out but I do want a GF version so I can earn those extra rewards. All these commons I already have maxed out.

4 SPS is very low and just look at all those 68 potions! For me to spend all these potions (on average) I need to open 34 rewards chests that contain cards. Considering that between 34 rewards chests I'll have to open many that do not contain cards and several that contain potions, I can never spend all of these.

The GF summoner is good but it isn't enough to save these rewards.


Let's see another one. 23 commons, 21 SPS, 307 merits, and 9 potions.

Same number of commons, again, all that I already have maxed out and nothing else for cards.

However, I got way less potions, 21 SPS, and 307 merits. Much better in terms of tokens and other types of "currencies".

Difficult to say which one was better but probably the second one because of the 21 SPS.
