Chaos Dragon - Battle Challenge


To continue with the Dragon battles, I want to talk about the biggest and baddest dragon from Chaos Legion, and that's none other than the Chaos Dragon, a legendary monster that costs a whopping 14 mana!

I hadn't had a chance to use it in battle before, because of its high mana cost, but always thought it would be interesting to use it. So I decided to rent it and try it out and review it.


As I said before, the Chaos Dragon costs 14 mana, making it the highest mana-cost monster to date. This is why it won't be able to be played a lot, but when the mana is available, it's great. At level 1, it has 3 magic, 3 speed, 4 armor, and 10 health, making it a great offensive force, while also being able to take a lot of punches. As for its abilities, it has Flying and the new Scattershot, with which the monster attacks a random target each round.


At level 2, it gains Blast. This, combined with Scattershot is deadly since it deals damage to the monsters adjacent to the target. So the Chaos Dragon can deal damage to 3 enemies each turn! And if that isn't already incredible, at level 3 it gets Blind, which lowers the accuracy of its enemy, which combined with Flying, makes this Dragon very hard to hit.


  • Allowed Splitners: All.
  • Mana Cap: 99.

This 99 mana cap is excellent for trying out the Chaos Dragon and a bunch of cards that I don't normally use for its high mana cost.

Cards Used


My only Dragon summoner, it allows me to use Dragon cards, combined with other Splinters. Apart from that, it gives +1 armor to all monsters.

This great tank with Shield is in the first position to take any melee attack coming its way. Although it's susceptible to magic damage, I'm not too worried about that.

This is a secondary tank with Taunt, which redirects the enemy's backline attacks to it. This ensures the Infantry won't be hit with Magic attacks coming from the back.

With Tank Heal, it recovers any lost health of the Infantry, allowing it to survive longer and protect the rest of the team.

When I said I'd use a high mana card I don't normally use, I meant the Goblin Tower. With its 2 ranged and Blast, it deals quite a lot of damage to the enemy.

The star of this battle. I decided to put it near the back to prevent it from getting to the first position since I want it to deal as much damage to the backline as possible with Scattershot.

Another great ranged attacker that I don't normally use. Its snipe is useful to deal with the enemy's backline since it targets the first ranged or magic monster on the enemy team..


And now, I'll tell you about the battle. However, to see the full battle, click here!



The enemy went with Thaddius Brood, which lowers my magic attack. This is bad since my main damage dealers are magic attackers. But I have other monsters who can also pack a punch.

The first to attack is the Chaos Dragon, targeting the front, the Cursed Windeku. It wasn't the target I was expecting, but hey, it's random. After that, the Silent Sha-vi and the enemy's 3 archers attack my Mycelic Slipspawn, leaving it only with 2 health. Ouch.

Then, the Mantoid snipes the Dhampir Stalker, and the rest of my monsters attack the Cursed Wendiku, leaving it with only 1 health.



Once again, the Chaos Dragon attacks first, but this time at the Dhampir Stalker, leaving him with only 1 health. After that, the Supply Runner defeats my Slipspawn, and the rest of the backline attacks my other monsters, but without dealing any damage, thanks to Drake's armor.

After that, the Mantoid finally defeats the Stalker, which wouldn't have been possible without the Chaos Dragon. Then, the Goblin Psychic takes down the Wendiku, and the Goblin Tower and Infantry attack the Disintegrator.



The Chaos Dragon randomly targets the enemy Mantoid, but it's not enough to defeat it. Then, it attacks, defeating the Goblin Psychic, depriving the Infantry of its healer. Right after, my Mantoid attacks and leaves the Supply Runner with 2 health. And finally, my last two monsters defeat the Disintegrator.



This time, the Chaos Dragon manages to defeat an enemy, the Supply Runner. It luckily hit the enemy with the least health. And then the Infantry lands its attack on Sha-vi, defeating it.

This leaves a 4-1 against a single Mantoid, which can't attack while at the first position, which means that in the next round, I win the battle.


The Chaos Dragon is a great card and I really enjoyed using it. Even though the enemy nerfed it, it was a great addition to the team, dealing damage to the most vulnerable monsters at times. However, as I said before, this Scattershot ability is all about luck, sometimes it's in your favor and sometimes it's not.

However, even without Scattershot, this is a great card and it'd be a must for high mana battles.

As for the other cards, both the Mycelic Infantry and Slipspawn were great tanks that allowed the rest of my team to survive long enough to defeat the enemy. Overall, I'm really happy with my strategy and I'd love to use more dragon monsters in the future.

Finally, if you haven't started playing Splinterlands, what are you waiting for? Click here to start playing!
