How to Ruin Someones Day


Mylor Crowling.png

What's Going on guys it me pair back again with Splinterants. A couple weeks ago I ranted on my hate for Alric stormbringer and his complete utter and absolute bullshit that he can pull off. Today I'm presenting one of my favorite cards in the entire game and how it can make the little bronze bandits cry. The glorious thing about this wonderful bastard is he super good for almost league in the game as he gives the thorns ability which can ruin the monsters who love to close combat.

I love this card on how stupidly op the ability, 2 damage for just being touched is glorious. As a bronze bandit myself I know that in my league Fire and death builds are pretty common. Haunted spirit for example the tanky bullshiter is difficult to defeat with low damage input but for only 49 dollars you can completely invalidate this tanks healing a ability by making your entire team of cards cacti. For the price of 49 dollars you are able to make a grown ass adult cry over a video game well doesn't that sound great ( I totally don't cry when I ever I face a mylor crowling).

Any ways that's it for splinterants episode 2 now I'm about to rant about the haunted spirit next episode have great day Splinteranters.
