It's only Maths (but I like It ) - Part 2 - What can we expect with CL Pack Price ?


Here is the second part of my thoughts about the value of items in your're favorite game : Splinterlands.

In the first part I've presented a conservative way of cards valuation. This time I'll write about pack valuation.

Everybody knows (I hope !) and should use peakmonsters great tools for pack effective cost. Based upon this work for the differents odds to get cards in your pack, you can apply the burn value method to get some floor value. Since this post we all know the new burn value.

So I've made the calculations for you using both potions:

  • For the new Chaos Legion pack
    • Average expected burn value is 191 DEC so about $1 , if you've made your calculation about sales market with my previous post, you know that floor price is 2 times burn value and average is about 10 times. So we can imagine that pack price will be around 2$ in pre sale and 10$ on the market.
    • And the worst case scenario ( 4 commons and 1 rare) : burn value 40 DEC so about $0.22

I've made same calculations for

  • Untamed : Average 575 DEC , worst case 80 DEC
  • Beta : Aberage 860 DEC , worst case 120 DEC
  • Alpha : Average 1720 DEC , worst case 240 DEC

|djinn.png | center|Capturepack.PNG|

Splinterlands is an amazing play to Earn Collectible Card Game. I'm sure you'll enjoy playing it and then you may earn some decent amount of cash! Feel free to try it !
