Newbies Guide: How to Stake your First $SPS in Splinterlands


Hello friends, compliments of the day.

My teacher told me that the best way to learn is by teaching others. It is obvious that education system in Nigeria has reached the least point, it's high time I step up my content creation career and upgrade other skills that would make my journey on Hive more profitable and serious. Hence, I would do my best to put up a guide to everything I've leant to do as a newbie on this blockchain.

I believe since I have no technical idea about anything here, my guide would be helpful for a newbie like me who may see hive as a very technical place. It was not easy breaking out. I am only able to do this after a year and Three months on this blockchain. Thanks to the leaders and guides in the @Hive-learner community, @leofinance community and every other user that has been consciously creating contents to help new users.



The 50 SPS tokens I staked few days ago has started yielding. From 3.12 USD to 3.52 USD. That is beautiful for me. This further motivates me to pen this post to help others who have not yet started earning from Splinterlands to do so.

This is me attempting to teach newbies like me how to make their first SPS stake in the Splinterlands game. Here is my Splinterlands referral link Please use the link and start off your game earning journey in splinterlands. It's not as complex as you thought.

I have no idea on the future of the SPS token. I am no expert. You can find such posts in the #splinterlands tag from more experienced players. My job is just to give a simple guide for a newbie to also take some significant steps here. I also trying to use this medium to test how much I've grown with understanding Hive.

This post is broken down into three sections:

  1. Buying your SPS Tokens
  2. Transferring SPS From Hive-engine to Splinterlands wallet
  3. Staking your SPS

let's go. Ask questions in the comments section. If I can't answer. I trust other Splinterlands players will do.

Buying your SPS Tokens

For you to stake your SPS token. You need to have them in your wallet. You know they won't fly there. Buy them first.

I did my buyng on TRIBALDEX.COM:
YOu can also swap them on Dieselpools:


When your trade is successful, the SPS balance on your Hive engine wallet will also show on your Splinterlands wallet.


Transferring SPS From Hive-engine to Splinterlands wallet

You have to transfer your SPS from hive engine wallet to your SPS wallet on Splinterlands. Just follow the guides below;


Click the TRANSFER button and the following page will appear.


Select the wallet where your SPS is an fill the amount of SPS to transfer.

Now refresh your page to see that the balance will move fom hive engine wallet to in-game Liqid.


Staking your SPS

Here is the main thing. THis is where you start the main investment. I mean staking your SPS.


Now Click the STAKE button and the following page will appear.


Fill in the amount of SPS you wish to stake and click the STAKE button.
Refresh your page and the SPS amount now shows in the staked section.


You're done. It takes not more than 5 minutes, Yours can be faster or slower depending on your internet.


YOu can go sleep and see your SPS staked make money for itself and for you.

Don't forget to use my Splinterlands referral link. Please use the link and start off your game earning journey in splinterlands. Let's win together. Thank you in advance.

I hope the above guide was helpful for any new user not minding your knowledge of blockchain games. Please use the share, and upvote buttons while you also share your thoughts in the comments section.

I love you all.

I am @Peckypeace.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
