SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! SUPPLY RUNNER - by @pero82


Supply Runner - banner.png

Hello everyone! Pozdrav svima!

This week I'm going to show you one of my battles featuring Supply Runner - common starter card of neutral element, which means you can use it with any splinter unless ruleset forbids it (like Taking Sides ruleset).

Rarity: COMMON
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: RANGED
Abilities: Swiftness at level 5 (and Strengthen at level 10)



Every army should have them, every artisan should hire them, and every noble should own one. If you need absolutely anything, then a supply runner will get it for you. For their size they can carry vast amounts, they’re incredibly fast and they’ll even defend your deliveries with exuberant relish. Not only that but their expertise with the catapult they carry is renowned across the land. Countless confrontations have been recorded in the history books of these hired hands coming to the aid of convoys beset by bandits or roaming patrols attacked by the enemy. They have swarmed the foe, firing their shot down upon them and running havoc amongst their ranks with their incredible speed. Most of these forays have ended with the enemy fleeing, but those that did remain and fight didn’t last for long.

Gnomes have lived throughout Praetoria ever since the land was inhabited and are stalwart characters indeed. It is unsure as to whether they are native to this continent or not, but what is clear is that they didn’t originate or come from any of the other known Splinters. Talon and Gorst are the agency that hire them out and this organisation has always been crystal clear in the first and most important clause of their contracts, ‘These creatures are not to leave the shores of Praetoria, ever!’ Whether they are simply unwilling to share these efficient people with the rest of the world or there is some darker more sinister note that prevents them travelling is unknown, but the Praetorians don’t really care seeing as they have the exclusivity rights.

Usually, Gnomes have a natural resistance to magic, but the creeping plague seems to have afflicted some of them in a most curious way. You may get lucky and find one that has picked up the odd abilities that are incredibly useful when working with others, but on the other hand, some side effects have led to manic behaviour, an affinity to ale, mischievous use of their catapults, and downright murderous conduct. Needless to say, reliability can now be a bit hit and miss. You are strongly advised to read your contract of employment carefully, or you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation.



At first glance, when you look at Supply Runner's stats at level 1 you would assume he's nothing special - 6 mana cost, quite expensive for common card - 2 ranged attack, not bad, but again, nothing extraordinary - 3 speed, finally something better - and 4 health, not good but not terrible.

Supply Runner stats.PNG

But what makes this little fella' special is the Swiftness ability he acquires at level 5 - all friendly monsters have increased speed. Extremely useful ability in almost every situation (except Reverse Speed ruleset, of course) because speed determines the attack order and probability of landing/evading attacks.
On top of that, at level 10 he acquires Strengthen ability - all friendly monsters have increased health. You can never have too much health.
Now, that's a card you would want to have in your deck, don't you agree?



Lets take a look at this weeks battle. First I will explain the ruleset and how to approach the battle
when facing that ruleset.


Supply Runner ruleset.png

Equalizer - The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

  • Don't use high HP monsters but focus on high damage.
  • Try to use a lot of monsters as well.
  • Having a Tank Heal, Thorns, Triage for defense helps a lot.

Lost magic - Monsters with Magic attack may not be used in battles.

  • Don't use Magic Reflect monsters or summoners, because those skills are worthless here since there is no magic damage incoming.
  • Focus on high speed and abilities like Flying, Dodge, Blind to avoid hits from Melee and Ranges attacks.
  • Thorns and Shield are the key in this ruleset, Thorns for dealing damage on received hits and Shield for mitigating the damage.

32 mana - This is medium amount of mana, so we can use a mix of expensive and cheap cards

Available splinters - Fire, Water, Death, Dragon

  • Fire - We can use Tarsa summoner (gives +1 melee and +1 health to the team) with Living Lava as tank (it has Shield ability and would take less damage from Melee and Ranged attack) with some great melee attackers Fire splinter is full of. We just need to pick the ones that have decent amount of health or armor so they can survive a couple of hits while dishing out damage.
  • Water - Best choice for this ruleset because we can use Kelya Frendul (+1 armor and +1 speed - just what we need) and water deck is full of nice melee and ranged damage dealers.
  • Death - We could use Thaddius Brood summoner (reduces enemy magic attack and health by 1) with Cursed Windeku as tank and put a couple of Sneak monsters and ranged.
  • Dragon - Awesome choice for this ruleset because we can use Drake of Arnak summoner (+1 armor to whole team) plus Djinn Chwala as tank (she's hot Thorns and a lot of shield and health) combines with some damage dealer from any of splinters mentioned above.

I went with Water splinter because I had rented Lir Deepswimmer legendary summoner earlier that day for a reasonable price. He is literally Kelya on steroids (+2 armor, Blind and Return Fire).
My opponent went with Dragon splinter and Drake of Arnak summoner with Water deck, similar tactic I thought about but he made a mistake not using Djinn Chwala for a tank (maybe he doesn't have her, I don't judge).





Water splinter legendary summoner that gives your whole team +2 Armor, Return Fire ability (when hit with a Ranged attack, Monsters with Return Fire will return reduced damage back to their attacker) and puts Blind on enemy team (All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have an increased chance of missing their target - you have 15% chance of evading their attacks). What can you say, awesome summoner, perfect for this battle. I wish I own this card.



Amazing rare tank from Water splinter. At level 1 he is already a beast, with 4 speed and lots of armor and health. He is hard to hit and even harder to kill.
Bonus is Trample ability (when a Monster with Trample hits and kills its target, it will perform another attack on the next Monster on the enemy Team).



Legendary card used as a spot-filler. Especially in low mana matches because it costs 0 mana.
Fiend is your friend in low mana cap battles.
Get yourself fiend for every splinter and your win rate will got up drastically in those kind of battles.



Just like Fiends, Furious Chicken is a great addition to your card collection because you can use it in every match since it's a Neutral card (except in Taking Sides ruleset, of course).
It deals no damage, unless you upgrade it to level 3 or higher, but we just need it to soak up damage instead of our damage dealers.
I made a mistake with its placing in the team. I should've put it in the last position to take damage from sneak attacks.



Great neutral card, I use it every time I need a cheap tank, because it has 6 health and 3 speed while costing 4 mana. On higher levels it get heal ability which makes it even better tank.
All that said, that was another mistake I made when putting this team together. He was totally unused here, I expected more damage up front from my enemy but he went with more Sneak monsters.
I would be better of using some ranged attack card here like Kulu Swimhunter or Angelic Mandarin.



Star of the battle - a neutral common card but with such influence in the outcome of the battle.
By giving +1 speed to the whole team it made a difference to whether the enemy would get a hit or a miss - and they missed A LOT. And with Axemaster dying he became my main damage dealer in the battle.



Another awesome epic card from Water splinter.
2 ranged attack and 4 speed (which ensures it will rarely miss its target) combined with Double Strike makes it a killing machine.
I made a mistake by not protecting him at the back so he died too soon, making this battle a lot longer then it should've been.


Round 1 to 2


When the battle started I wasn't so sure I would win. I saw the mistake I made with placing of Furious Chicken and choice of Xenith Monk and my opponent had higher level cards. But all of that proved to be irrelevant later on.
In the first two rounds I took out his tank, while that speed advantage and Blind effect casted by my summoner proved to be useful because my opponent had more then a couple of misses on my tank.

Round 3, 4 & 5


In round 3 they killed my Axemaster which prolonged the battle by at least 5-6 rounds. It took me 3 rounds to kill his Angelic Mandarin, while enemies continued to miss their attacks on my tank and little gnome.

Round 6 & 7


It took me two whole rounds to kill his Pelacor Bandit while they managed to get 1 hit on my tank and continue the miss streak on my star gnome.

Round 8 & 9


Again two rounds to kill one monster. Oh, how much quicker it would go if I only protected my Axemaster.

Round 10 to 16


It took my guys 7 rounds to kill their Gloridax Soldier and there are two reasons for that. He has Shield ability, so my guys did only 1 damage per hit, and he has Flying ability that increases his chance to evade the attack, or should I say chance for my guys to miss. And they started to miss and miss. Luckily the enemy missed a lot too.




The fight took much longer then it should have. Just because of 1 wrongly positioned monster.



Did your strategy work?

  • Yes, my strategy worked out perfectly. Speed advantage was the key in winning this battle.

What will you try differently next time?

  • I will try to position my monsters better to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Do you like the (monster)? Why or why not?

  • I like Supply Runner a lot. Its a kind of card you don't expect much from, but then it surprises you how good and useful it is. It makes you feel the need - the need for speed!


Link to the battle itself can be found HERE. 👈

If you still haven't tried Splinterlands try it out HERE. 👈

Thank you for your time, and please vote if you like this post. 👍


Special thanks to:

@luke-wtp for helping me out when I was just starting the game and the awesome Krill Crew.
@jason04 for guide to format your blog in and epic.
@rqr4 for text dividers used in this post.
@splinterlands for making this great game.
