No Abilities in Ruleset


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To counter this rules set you you must have the magic element line up. It is good that you have the legendary summoner of water Valnamor for faster attack and additional 1 magic damage then for the reverse rule if necessary the dragon summoner Delwyn Dragonscal is highly recommendable. Take note that the Mimosa of Death Summoner and Owster Rotwel is a good counter if it is available in the game. Likewise also the Yodin Zaku and the Earth Summoner Obsidian or the Sacred Llama magic line up. I suggest that you must know what are his comfort picks in his recent battles. The more you know about his techniques the high percentage of winning. Always remember that even you have the summoner that you think you can pull out the victory in the rule set of No Abilites your strategy is the big factor. Winning it isn't easy in a battle of strategy and brain set ups, you must be 1 step ahead of every element he/she put on the battle field. Then another factor is the cap of the game if it is below 20 I suggest to use the Earth Element if it is available or the Water Alric Summoner. In the high cap all the above mentioned Legendary Summoner will play a great factor, whether you or the enemy can sneak a win against you. The more you lost the stronger you are. Copy his/her style of playing or you can copy the cards he used then insert the strategy you have the improve....Happy grind everyone and enjoy..Long Live Splinterlands...


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