Phantom of the Abyss Fanart - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 149

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I joined the art contest last week and had some fun. Been a while since I had drawn anything.

I chose Phantom of the Abyss because it basically carried me through my first week. I would imagine my opponents were very frustrated when they wiped my whole team out only to still lose because they couldn't hit this evasive magic attacking monster of a card!

I followed a similar process this week with my entry. Starting with a sketch.


Then did some inking.


And finally colored it with Tombow Dual Brush pens.


It turned out okay I think. The ink smeared a bit when I erased the pencil. And I'm not very good with the Tombow pens so I always feel like I kind of ruin things when I add color. 😅

Maybe I should just start coloring digitally. Maybe next week.

I try to post every day about Splinterlands now. It is a lot of fun and I'm getting pretty engrossed in the game. It reminds me of the early days of magic the gathering when I just built decks with what I had rather than try to put together ideas and buy all the cards for it. And only wishing I could afford the expensive cards. Haha. Those were fun times. And so are these, now with Splinterlands!
