RE: Reflections on Hive-Engine!

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My favorite second layer token is EDS, one of the SPI family tokens. I earn a weekly Hive income for hodling, and upvotes for hodling over 100.

The one that annoys the piss out of me is that shitcoin - BIT? BITS? - that someone keeps dumping literally billions of them into wallets and inflating the price so somehow it reads in the wallet as if it's worth something when no one is buying it, and everyone has their billions listed for the absolute lowest possible price on H-E. I think the price inflation is because one person (I think the issuer) buys like .0005 Hive worth every now and again to keep that price point. It literally can't go any lower, they just keep airdropping so many of them the sale list is in the trillions at this point.


I do quite like those SPI tokens - with the BITS token either buy low from an alt or just send them all to null!
