Splinterlands Social Challenge - Low Mana Quick Battle


Cover image from @splinterlands

Hi splinterlands community, this is my entry to the social media challenge for this week. This week I am writing about a battle I fought today with an opponent. Today's battle is a very short battle because the mana cost of the battle was very low. Let's get into the details.

Ruleset and Its Meaning


This ruleset is the standard ruleset. In this ruleset there is no modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics. The standard ruleset means all abilities can be used.

Summoner and Team Choices


I chose this earth summoner to grant my cards +1 magic attack.

Card number / positionCard
1; Fungus Fiendimage.png
2 Regal Perytonimage.png
3 Venari Markstratimage.png


My enemy selected this life summoner which gave all its only card an amubush.

Card number / positionCard
1 ; Jared Scarimage.png

Round 1


When I saw my opponent's card and read the stats on this his card, I was scared for sometime but after the first card kill, I was less worried.


My opponent attacked my first card before the battle started and it died. My opponent bloodlusted and got +1 health, +1 attack, +1 speed and +1 speed. I attacked my opponent's card and my opponent attacked but missed. My last card attacked my opponent and reduced the shield.

Round 2


I attacked my opponent and my opponent's health reduced to 1. My opponent also attacked my Regal Peryton but missed again. My last card attacked my opponent and reduced the health to 1.

Round 3


My Regal Peryton card attacked and killed my enemy.


Here is a link to the battle I just described. Click here
to watch the battle

Screenshots of the battle were all sourced from splinterlands.
