Battle Mage Secret - What will you do when faced with lost magic ruleset?

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Hello Hive

I'm back with another battle to present to my dear hive people. Before I proceed with the discussion of the day, I must say, this is the longest I have had to wait to get a particular ruleset. Ever since three days ago, I have been playing the game nonstop just to battle with the lost magic ruleset. I finally got it today. I also wish to announce my transition from wild battles to modern battles, a decision I have made due to the recent bot inflow in the wild battles after being stopped in modern. At the moment, it is difficult to rise in the modern battles, but little by little, I am coping and rising gradually.

This week's battle mage secrets have presented the opportunity for spl players to share their strategy when facing a lost magic ruleset. Before I share mine with you all, It's my pleasure to invite all of you who are interested in the game to come onto the battlefield with us and quit staying on the sidelines. To also join the battle mage secrets, the secret is to visit the weekly announcement post for guidelines. This week's announcement post can be found here

What is the Lost Magic Ruleset?

lost magic.png

Identifying the lost magic ruleset without having to see it written is easily done with the appearance of the symbolic image above. Once that image is involved in the rulesets, it means the player will have to engage in the battle without the use of magic monsters. What this means is that the player is only left with the option of melee and ranged monsters. Now, the question is, How will you face such a battle? Let's take a look at the strategy of the game presented.

The game's strategy

Before you jump to conclusions and judge me on why I have to share the strategy of a battle I lost, just know that with or without the win, I had a better strategy than the opponent, whom I believe was totally favored by some system programming errors.

Having being left with only the option of melee and ranged attack monster, I made sure to engage both monster type in the battle. The first I consider was the low mana cap of the battle which can only permit very few monsters. In sight of that, I thought of a monster that create damage both when it hit the opponent and also when the opponent hits it. For this reason, a monster with thorn ability was used for the defending role.

The next thing that came in mind was that the opponent might want to protect itself by using a monster with heavy armor protection. To counter the use of such monster, I brought in shatter ability monster which is capable of shattering any kind of armor protection in just one hit.

The mana cap didn't permit for much more monsters, so the remaining one mana was used to select a one mana monster which was positioned backward with a bonus zero mana monsters to delay the attack on the two main fighting monsters in case the enemy chooses to attack from back.

The Battle

Battle Details
RulesetsLost Magic & Close Range
Mana Cap12
Available ElementsFire, Water, Life, & Death
Battling ElementWater Vs Death (18).gif

Watch Battle Here

Team Selection

Rarity/Element: Rare/Death
Stats: -1 Ranged damage✔️


For the summoners that was made available for the battle, I preferred to use this death rare summoner Contessa L' Ament. Since there is a close range ruleset involved, this summoner will help reduce the enemy's ranged attack monsters if they uses any. This summoner which has 3 mana also gave room for more monsters in the battlefield.



Battles such as this requires an extraordinary defender. Cursed Windeku was kind of such monster with its thorn ability. It was meant to serve as problem for melee monsters whom will get damage in both direction of attack. Unfortunately, the system played its prank and made sure Windeku misses all its hit.



This Particular monster was chosen for the benefit of its ability. Having in mind that in such low mana battle that doesn't involve magic monster, the enemy might want to use monsters with heavy armor protection, the best way to counter such is to use a monster capable of removing all that armor in just one strike. This is the exact reason why this monster was used and secondly the close range ruleset also permits it to attack from the front row.





Both Carrion Shade and Corpse Fiend had to come in to complete the remaining one mana left and as bonus as regard to Fiend. They were positioned back of the lineup to protect the main fighting monster in case the enemy chooses monsters that attacks from behind. Just like the other team members, they were victims of the robbery by the system.

That will be all for this week. I hope you enjoyed the read. Please join me next week for another battle mage secrets challenge same place. Leave a comment on how the strategy can be better or any other of your choice.

Thanks for stopping by

