RE: A Decent End Of The Season.


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I was mostly absent-minded and lost a lot of battles because of this, but I decided to show off my end of the season's reward. I'll probably take more time to get my head back in the system, because of the many overwhelming things that are currently happening to me.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through a tough time recently. It's commendable to see you still engaging with the game despite facing personal challenges. Sometimes, taking a step back and giving yourself some time is necessary.

Remember, it's just a season, and there will be many more to come with opportunities for packs and rewards. Stay strong, and looking forward to seeing you back in full swing when you're ready @josediccus!


Thanks a million. I haven't been able to get back to working or sleeping well or even eating well. Sometimes I use the game to pass time, rather than sulk and think about the loss and misfortunes I've had in the past week. It's not been easy, it's the worst period ever, I try whatever I do to feel okay, maybe I'll just have to go to a sort of therapy soon.
